Instructions For Fec Form 10, 24-Hour Notice Of Expenditure Of Personal Funds Page 2


Limited Circumstance Under Which
LINE 5. Candidate ID Number. List the
LINE 11. Total Expenditures This
Filing of FEC Form 10 Will Also Satisfy
identification number (beginning with H
Notice. Total the expenditures listed on
FEC Form 6 (48-Hour Notice of Contri-
for a House candidate or S for a Senate
the notice.
butions/Loans Received) Filing Require-
candidate) issued to the candidate by
LINE 12. Total Expenditures Election
ment. Please note that if FEC Form 10 is
the FEC after his or her Statement of
Cycle to Date. If this is the first notice
filed for candidate contributions, candi-
Candidacy was filed.
filed for the election cycle, carry the total
date personal loans, candidate advances,
LINE 6. Name of Principal Campaign
forward from Line 11 to Line 12. If this
or endorsements of loans from a lending
Committee. List the name of the com-
is not the first notice filed during the
institution by the candidate of $1,000
mittee the candidate named as his or her
election cycle, add the total from Line 11
or more received after the 20th day but
principal campaign committee on FEC
to the total listed at the top of Line 10
more than 48 hours before 12:01 a.m.
Forms 1 and 2 (the Statement of Orga-
as “Aggregate Expenditures Previously
on the day of the election, the filing of
nization and Statement of Candidacy,
Reported During the Election Cycle.”
FEC Form 10 will satisfy the FEC Form
6 (48-Hour Notice of Contributions/
LINE 13. 48-Hour Notice of Last-
Loans Received) filing requirement for
LINE 7. Committee ID Number. List
Minute Contributions. In some cases,
those same receipts. This limited excep-
the identification number (beginning
Form 10 may be used to satisfy both
tion to the requirement to file a separate
with C) issued to the principal campaign
Form 10 and Form 6 filing requirements.
FEC Form 6 in such circumstances is
committee by the FEC after its State-
See “Limited Circumstance Under
only applicable when the FEC Form
ment of Organization was filed.
Which Filing of FEC Form 10 Will Also
10 is filed within the 48-hour filing time
Satisfy FEC Form 6 (48-Hour Notice of
LINE 8. Address. List the address of the
frame for the FEC Form 6.
Contributions/Loans Received) Filing
principal campaign committee.
Example: Eighteen days before his
Requirement” above for more informa-
primary election, Joe Candidate loans
LINE 9. City, State and Zip Code. Pro-
tion on when to fill out this Line.
$500,000 from his personal funds to his
vide the requested information for the
13(a). Check box if using Form 10 to
campaign. Because the amount is over
principal campaign committee.
satisfy the requirement to file FEC Form
$1,000 and the loan was made after
LINE 10. Expenditures of Personal
6 to disclose a last-minute contribution
the 20th day but more than 48 hours
Funds. In the box for “Aggregate Expen-
or loan of $1,000 or more. Otherwise,
before the election, Joe’s campaign must
ditures Previously Reported During the
leave Line 13 blank.
file Form 6 to disclose the last-minute
Election Cycle,” list the total amount
contribution. 11 CFR 104.5(f). Since the
13(b). Provide the name of employer
reported on Line 11 of the most recent
candidate’s loan exceeds the personal
for the candidate. “Employer” means
Form 10 filed. For purposes of this
funds threshold amount (i.e., $350,000
the organization or person by whom
form, “election cycle” means the period
for a House campaign), Joe’s campaign
an individual is employed, and not the
beginning on the day after the date of
must also file Form 10 within 24 hours
name of his or her supervisor. Use “self-
the most recent election for the specific
to disclose his expenditure of personal
employed” if applicable.
office or seat that a candidate is seeking
funds. 11 CFR 400.21. In this limited
and ending on the date of the next elec-
13(c). Provide the occupation of the
circumstance, where the same expen-
tion for that office or seat. A primary
candidate. “Occupation” means the
diture triggers the requirement to file
election and a general election are con-
principal job title or position of an
both Form 6 and Form 10, the campaign
sidered to be separate election cycles,
need only file Form 10 (within 24 hours),
but a run-off election is considered to
checking box 13(a) and providing the
the committee treasurer must
be part of the election cycle of the elec-
required information to fulfill the Form
sign and date the form. 11 cFr
tion necessitating the run-off election.
6 filing requirement.
11 CFR 400.2. For each expenditure of
personal funds made, list the required
line-by-line instructions
information (date, election made for,
as described above, and amount). Note:
LINE 1. Name of Candidate. List the
Do not combine election cycles on a
name of the candidate.
single Form 10. If the candidate has
LINE 2. Office Sought. List the office
made expenditures for different elec-
the candidate is seeking (House or
tions, submit a separate Form 10 for
each election. If the expenditure was
made in the form of a loan from the
LINE 3. State. List State.
candidate to his or her committee, check
LINE 4. District. List district if
the appropriate box.
Page 2
Federal Election Commission (Revised 09/2005)


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