Instructions For Fec Form 10, 24-Hour Notice Of Expenditure Of Personal Funds


Federal election coMMission
instructions for Fec ForM 10, 24-Hour notice of expenditure of
Personal Funds (11 cFr 400.21 and 400.22 (Millionaires’ amendment))
Who Must File
or obligates to make subsequent expen-
tion, opposing candidate means another
Senate Candidates. A committee
candidate seeking election to the same
ditures from personal funds aggregating
for the U.S. Senate must file this form
in excess of $10,000. 11 CFR 400.21(a)
office. See 11 CFR 400.3. Fax numbers
initially when the candidate makes or
and 400.22(a).
and electronic mail addresses for oppos-
House Candidates. The Commission
ing candidates should be available on
obligates to make expenditures from
personal funds aggregating in excess of
must receive this report no later than
the Statement of Organization (FEC
Form 1) filed by the principal campaign
2 times the threshold amount published
11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight
by the Commission in connection with
Time of the day following the date on
committee (PCC) of each opposing can-
any election. The committee must also
which a candidate for the U.S. House
didate. The Statements of Organization
can be viewed on the FEC’s web site at
file this form each time the candidate
makes or obligates to make expendi-
makes, or obligates to make, expendi-
tures aggregating in excess of $350,000
11 CFR 400.24(a).
House Candidates. The principal
tures from personal funds that, in the
in connection with any election. Note:
aggregate, exceed $10,000 since the last
if the candidate makes expenditures
campaign committee of a candidate
seeking nomination or election to the
time that the committee was required to
that trigger the threshold for both the
file this report. 11 CFR 400.21(a) and
primary and general elections, submit
United States House must file Form
a separate Form 10 for each election.
10 electronically with the Federal Elec-
House Candidates. A committee
tion Commission, 999 E Street, NW,
Also, the Commission must receive this
for the U.S. House must file this form
report no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern
Washington, DC 20463. The committee
must also simultaneously send a copy of
initially when the candidate makes or
Standard/Daylight Time of the day fol-
obligates to make expenditures from
lowing the date on which the candidate
Form 10 (or the information contained
personal funds aggregating in excess
makes or obligates to make subsequent
within) via facsimile machine or elec-
tronic mail to each opposing candidate
of $350,000 in connection with any
expenditures from personal funds aggre-
election. The committee must also
gating in excess of $10,000. 11 CFR
and the national party committee of
each opposing candidate. For purposes
file this form each time the candidate
400.21(b) and 400.22(b).
makes, or obligates to make, expendi-
of a primary election, opposing candi-
Where to File
tures from personal funds that, in the
date means another candidate seeking
the nomination of the same political
aggregate, exceed $10,000 since the last
Senate Candidates. The principal
time that the committee was required to
party. For purposes of the general elec-
campaign committee of a candidate
tion, opposing candidate means another
file this report. 11 CFR 400.21(b) and
seeking nomination or election to the
candidate seeking election to the same
United States Senate must file Form
office. See 11 CFR 400.3. Fax num-
10 with the Secretary of the Senate,
When to File
bers and electronic mail addresses for
Office of Public Records, 232 Hart
opposing candidates and their national
Senate Candidates. The Commission
Senate Office Building, Washington,
party committees should be available
must receive this report no later than
DC 20510-7116. Mail addressed to the
on the Statement of Organization (FEC
11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard/Daylight
Secretary of the Senate should read:
Form 1) filed by the principal campaign
Time of the day following the date on
“Office of Public Records, P.O. Box
committee (PCC) of each opposing
which a candidate for the U.S. Senate
5109, Alexandria, VA 22301-0109.” The
candidate and the national party com-
makes or obligates to make expendi-
principal campaign committee must
mittees, respectively. The Statements
tures from personal funds aggregat-
also send a copy of Form 10 (or the
of Organization can be viewed on
ing in excess of 2 times the threshold
information contained therein) to the
the FEC’s web site at
amount published by the Commission
Commission by facsimile machine (to
11 CFR 400.24(b).
in connection with any election. Note:
202-219-0174) or by electronic mail to
State Filing. House candidates in
if the candidate makes expenditures
( The committee
Guam and Puerto Rico must file a
that trigger the threshold for both the
must also simultaneously send a copy via
copy of this form with those territories.
primary and general elections, submit
facsimile machine or electronic mail to
(As of August 2005, those territories
a separate Form 10 for each election.
each opposing candidate. For purposes
had not qualified for the state filing
Also the Commission must receive this
of a primary election, opposing candi-
waiver program.)
report no later than 11:59 Eastern Stan-
date means another candidate seeking
dard/Daylight Time of the day following
the nomination of the same political
the date on which the candidate makes
party. For purposes of the general elec-
Federal Election Commission (Revised 09/2005)


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