Form 4419 - Application For Filing Information Returns Electronically (Fire) Page 2

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Form 4419
(Rev. 6-2009)
General Instructions
Block 5
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the
Enter the tax year that you wish to start filing electronically.
information on these forms to carry out the Internal
Revenue Laws of the United States. You are not required
Block 6
to provide the information requested on a form that is
Indicate if you are requesting this Transmitter Control
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form
Code solely for filing electronic requests for an extension
displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records
of time to file information returns.
relating to a form must be retained as long as their
contents may become material in the administration of any
Block 7
Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return
Check the box next to all of the returns you will file with
information are confidential, as required by Code section
IRS electronically.
A separate TCC will be assigned for each box checked
The time needed to provide this information would vary
in Block 7. Please make sure you submit your electronic
depending on individual circumstances. The estimated
files using the correct TCC.
average time is:
Thereafter, if you need to add any of the forms identified
in Block 7, it will be necessary to submit another Form
Preparing Form 4419
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 min.
4419 to IRS so another TCC can be assigned.
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of this
time estimate or suggestions for making this form simpler,
Block 8
we would be happy to hear from you. You can write to the
Indicate if your company will be filing your data with a
Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating
software package or if you have contracted to have a
Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution
service provider file your data for you. Note: The FIRE
Ave. NW, IR-6406, Washington, DC 20224.
System does not provide an on-line fill-in option for
the forms listed in Box 7. You must transmit your
see the instructions below on where to file. When
data in a specific format required by IRS.
completing this form, please type or print clearly in
BLACK ink.
Block 9
The form must be signed and dated by an official of the
Purpose of Form. File Form 4419 to request authorization
company or organization requesting authorization to
to file any of the forms shown in Block 7 electronically.
report electronically.
Please be sure to complete all appropriate blocks. If your
application is approved, a five-character alpha-numeric
Mailing Address:
Transmitter Control Code (TCC) will be assigned to your
Send your Form 4419 to the address below:
If any information on the form should change, please write
Internal Revenue Service
to IRS/Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg so we
Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg
can update our database. It is not necessary to submit a
Information Reporting Program
new Form 4419.
230 Murall Drive
NOTE: Do NOT use Form 4419 to request authorization
Kearneysville, WV 25430
to file Forms W-2 electronically. Contact SSA at
1-800-772-6270 if you have any questions concerning
In order to ensure timely filing, submit Form 4419 at
the filing of Forms W-2.
least 30 days before the due date of the return. If you
prefer, the Form 4419 can be faxed toll-free to
Specific Instructions
(877) 477-0572, but do not do both (faxing and mailing).
The Form 4419 is subject to review before the approval
Block 1
to transmit electronically is granted and may require
Enter the name and complete address of the organization
additional documentation at the request of IRS. If your
that will submit the electronic files (transmitter).
application is approved, IRS will assign a TCC to your
Block 2
organization. We will not issue your TCC without a
Enter the name, title, email address (if available) and
signed Form 4419, and we will not issue a TCC over the
telephone number (with area code) of the person to
phone or by email. If you do not receive a reply from
contact about this application if IRS needs additional
IRS within 30 days, contact us at the telephone number
information. This should be a person who is knowledge-
shown below. Do not submit any files until you receive
able about electronic filing of information returns.
your TCC.
For further information concerning the filing of
Block 3
information returns with IRS electronically, you may
Enter the Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the
access for Publication 1220 for the current
organization transmitting the electronic files. Social
tax year.
Security Numbers are not permitted.
If you do not have internet access, you may contact the
Block 4
IRS Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg toll-free
If you are a foreign transmitter who does not have a
at (866) 455-7438 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
nine-digit Taxpayer Identification Number, check this box.
Eastern Standard Time.


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