Form It-40rnr - Reciprocal Nonresident Indiana Individual Income Tax Return Page 4

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Complete Form It-40rnr - Reciprocal Nonresident Indiana Individual Income Tax Return with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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Important: Do not file this form if you have
that applies directly to your Indiana earned
must enclose all your W-2 forms to verify
Indiana riverboat winnings. You must file
income. Such a deduction could include
these amounts.
Form IT-40PNR.
the educator expense, if it is directly re-
Line 13 - Direct Deposit
lated to the income reported on line 1. Do
Form IT-40RNR allows you to figure county
not enter any itemized deductions.
If you want your refund directed into your
tax due. You may owe county tax if, on
bank account, complete lines 13a, b and c.
Line 4A and 4B - Exemptions: Read the
Jan. 1, 2016, you worked in an Indiana
The routing number is 9 (nine) digits, with
county. Carefully read the instructions
following to see which exemptions are
the first two digits of the number begin-
for lines 1 through 7 to figure the county
available to you.
ning with 01 through 12 or 21 through 32.
tax due.
The account number can be up to 17
You are allowed $1,000 for each exemp-
digits. Omit any hyphens, accents and
Important: Complete your federal tax return
tion claimed on your federal return*; plus
special symbols.
first. If you file a joint federal return, you must
you and/or your spouse if age 65 or older;
Check the appropriate box for the type
file a joint Indiana return. If you file a sepa-
plus you and/or your spouse if blind.
of account you are making your deposit.
rate federal return, you must file a separate
To comply with banking rules, you must
Indiana return.
* You are allowed $1,000 for yourself even
place an X in the box on line d if your
if someone else can claim you on their
refund is going to an account outside the
County information section: Since you
federal return.
United States. If you check the box, we
were a full-year nonresident of Indiana
will mail you a paper check.
for 2016, you must enter the 2-digit code
You are allowed $500 for you and/or
number for the state in which you lived.
your spouse if age 65 or older and your
Line 15 - Penalty: If your return is filed
You'll find this number on the chart on
federal adjusted gross income is less
after the April 18, 2017 due date, and you
page 1 of the instructions.
than $40,000.
have an amount due, you will probably
owe a penalty. Penalty is 10 percent of
The county where you worked will be that
You are allowed $1,500 for certain depen-
the line 14 amount due or $5, whichever
county where you performed the principal
dent children who also meet the following
is greater. Exception: If you have a valid
amount of your work on Jan. 1, 2016.
requirements: the dependent child must be
federal or state extension of time to file
Changes in the Indiana county where
a son, stepson, daughter, stepdaughter,
and are filing by the extended filing due
you worked after Jan. 1, 2016, will not
and/or foster child who is your child. The
date, then no penalty is due.
affect your county tax liability until the
child must be under the age of 19 by Dec.
Line 16 - Interest: If your tax return is filed
following year.
31, 2016, or a student who is under the
age of 24 by Dec. 31, 2016.
after the April 18, 2017, due date and you
If you did not work in Indiana until after
have an amount due on line 14, you will
Jan. 1, 2016 (or not at all), you are not
Generally, in the case of a joint return,
owe interest (even if you have an exten-
subject to county tax this year. You should
the taxpayer with the highest county tax
sion of time to file). Visit our website at
enter the 2-digit state code number in the
rate would benefit the most by claiming
(get Departmental Notice
County where you worked boxes.
the dependents.
#22) for the current interest rate.
Answer the following questions:
At no time can one spouse use the
Line 17 - Amount You Owe: There are
Was your principal place of employment
other spouse's personal exemption(s).
several ways to pay the amount you owe.
on Jan. 1, 2016, located in an Indiana
If sending a check, money order or ca-
county? If yes, go on to the next ques-
Example: Jim and Rita both owe county
shiers check, make it payable to: Indiana
tion. If no, skip lines 1 through 8 and
tax. They claimed themselves and their
Department of Revenue. Just include it
enter all Indiana state and county with-
son for a total of three exemptions on
loose in the envelope.
holding amounts on lines 9 and/or 10.
their federal income tax return ($3,000 in
If you answered yes to the above ques-
Indiana exemptions). They'll also get an
Note: All payments made to the Indiana
tion, complete all appropriate lines,
additional $1,500 for their son, for a $4,500
Department of Revenue must be made
beginning with line 1. If no, skip lines
total. Since Jim's tax rate is higher than
with U.S. funds.
1 through 8 and enter any Indiana with-
Rita's, he'll use $3,500 total exemptions
holding amounts on lines 9 and/or 10.
on line 4A and Rita will use her $1,000
You may also pay by using your MasterCard®
personal exemption on line 4B.
or VISA® by calling 1-800- 2-PAY TAX
Line-by-Line Instructions
(1-800-272-9829). Or, log on to
Line 5 - Taxable income: Subtract line
epay and use your Master-
Lines 1A and 1B - Gross income from
4 from line 3. If the answer is less than
Card® or VISA® to make a payment.
Indiana principal place of employment
zero, leave blank.
(county where you worked): Enter the
The eCheck payment method, which uses
amount of wages, tips, salaries, and com-
Line 6A and 6B - County tax: Enter the
a paperless check, is available. Go to our
missions earned in Indiana. If you received
county nonresident rate from the chart
website at epay/3726.htm
any other type of income from Indiana,
for the county where you worked on Jan.
and follow the step-by-step instructions to
such as partnership, farm, sole propri-
1, 2016.
make your payment. The fee for using this
etorship, etc., then do not file this form.
service is $1.00.
Instead, Form IT-40PNR must be filed.
Line 9, 10 - Indiana state and county
tax withheld: Add all Indiana state and
Lines 2A and 2B - Allowable deduc-
county tax withheld on your W-2 forms
tions: Enter any deduction claimed on
and your spouse's W-2 forms and enter
your federal return (Forms 1040/1040A)
the totals on the appropriate line. You


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