Family Interview Form


Facility Name:
Facility ID:
Surveyor Name:
Resident Name:
Resident ID:
Admit Date:
Resident Room:
Contact Method:  In Person
Relationship to
 By Phone
Person Interviewed:
The survey team will interview three (3) family members in each facility during Stage 1 of the survey process. This interview will be
conducted with a person (family, friend or guardian) who knows the resident well and visits the facility often enough to provide
information about service provided. Adjust the questions and probes as necessary to make them applicable to this resident and the
individual being interviewed. If an interviewee is not appropriate for an interview or two attempts to reach the family member/friend
have been unsuccessful, select another sample resident from the sample of non-interviewable Census Sample residents. Do not move
outside the Census Sample. Exhaust all possible sample residents form the sample of non-interviewable Census Sample residents
either by onsite contact or telephone. Select family members of residents from various units in the facility when possible.
Introduce yourself, explain the survey process, and the purpose of the interview using the following concepts. It is not necessary to use
the exact wording. At all times, be cognizant of resident confidentiality.
“[Name of facility] is inspected by a team from the [Name of State Survey Agency] periodically to assure that
residents receive quality care. While we are here, we make observations, review the nursing home’s records,
and talk to residents and family members or friends who can help us understand what it’s like to live in this
nursing home. We appreciate your taking the time to talk with us.
We ask these questions because we want to know about [resident’s name] prior lifestyle and discuss with you
whether her/his past preferences are still applicable and if the facility accommodates them. We want to know
about your opportunity for involvement in decisions about [resident’s name] care and schedule. We also want to
know your views on services she/he receives here, and in general, what you think of the facility.”
The following questions are asked to determine the family member’s awareness and satisfaction with certain aspects of facility life
and care for the resident. The surveyor should probe more deeply, using the suggested probes, whenever there is a negative response
to determine the exact nature of the concern.
FORM CMS-20049 (7/2012)


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