California Lease Agreement - Rental Inspection Checklist Page 4


by reference and attached hereto as Exhibit B and record any damage or deficiencies that exist at the
commencement of the Term. Landlord will be liable for the cost of any cleaning or repair to correct damages
found at the time of the inspection. Tenant will be liable for the cost of any cleaning and/or repair to correct
damages found at the end of the Term if not recorded on the inspection checklist, normal wear and tear
26. Fire and Casualty. If the Premises are damaged by fire or other serious disaster or accident and the
Premises becomes uninhabitable as a result, Tenant may immediately vacate the Premises and terminate
this Agreement upon notice to Landlord. Tenant will be responsible for any unpaid rent or will receive any
prepaid rent up to the day of such fire, disaster or accident. If the Premises are only partially damaged and
inhabitable, Landlord may make full repairs and will do so within a prompt and reasonable amount of time.
At the discretion of Landlord, the rent may be reduced while the repairs are being made.
27. Liability. Landlord is not responsible or liable for any loss, claim, damage or expense as a result of any
accident, injury or damage to any person or property occurring anywhere on the Premises, unless resulting
from the negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord.
28. Renter’s Insurance. Tenant is required to obtain, and maintain at all times during the Term, a renter’s
insurance policy with a minimum of $100,000.00 personal liability coverage. Tenant will name Landlord as
an interested party or additional insured. Tenant will provide Landlord with a certificate or proof of insurance
upon request.
29. Assignment and Subletting. Tenant will not assign this Agreement as to any portion or all of the
Premises or make or permit any total or partial sublease or other transfer of any portion or all of the Premises.
30. Insurance Requirements. Tenant will not do or permit to be done any act or thing that will increase
the insurance risk under any policy of insurance covering the Premises. If the premium for such policy of
insurance increases due to a breach of Tenant’s obligations under this Agreement, Tenant will pay the
additional amount of premium as additional rent under this Agreement.
31. Right of Entry. Landlord or its agents may enter the Premises at reasonable times to inspect the
Premises, to make any alternations, improvements or repairs or to show the Premises to a prospective
tenant, buyer or lender. In the event of an emergency, Landlord may enter the Premises at any time.
32. Surrender. Tenant will deliver and surrender to Landlord possession of the Premises immediately upon
the expiration of the Term or the termination of this Agreement, clean and in as good condition and repair
as the Premises was at the commencement of the Term, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
33. Default. In the event of any default under this Agreement, Landlord may provide Tenant a notice of
default and an opportunity to correct such default. If Tenant fails to correct the default, other than a failure
to pay rent or additional rent, Landlord may terminate this Agreement by giving a nine (9) day written notice.
If the default is Tenant’s failure to timely pay rent or additional rent as specified in this Agreement, Landlord
may terminate this Agreement by giving a four (4) day written notice to Tenant. After termination of this
Agreement, Tenant remains liable for any rent, additional late, costs, including costs to remedy any defaults,
and damages under this Agreement.
34. Remedies If this Agreement is terminated due to Tenant’s default, Landlord may, in addition to any
rights and remedies available under this Agreement and applicable law, use any dispossession, eviction or
other similar legal proceeding available in law or equity.
Lease Agreement
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