California Lease Agreement - Rental Inspection Checklist Page 3


limitations of qualified individuals with a disability, unless undue hardship would result. Tenant is
responsible for making Landlord aware of any such required accommodations that are reasonable and will
not impose an undue hardship. If Tenant discloses a disability and requests an accommodation, Landlord
has the right to have a qualified healthcare provider verify the disability if the disability is not readily apparent,
and Landlord has the right to use the qualified healthcare provider verifying the disability as a resource for
providing the reasonable accommodation.
18. Sex Offender Registry Notice. Pursuant to Section 290.46 of the Penal Code, information about
specified registered sex offenders is made available to the public via an Internet website maintained by the
Department of Justice at Tenant understands and agrees that they are solely
responsible for obtaining any and all information contained in the state or national sex offender registry for
the area surrounding the Premises. Depending on an offender’s criminal history, this information will include
either the address at which the offender resides or the community of residence and zip code in which he or
she resides.
19. Compliance. Tenant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, requirements and
regulations of any federal, state, county, municipal or other authority.
20. Mechanics’ Lien. Tenant understands and agrees that Tenant and anyone acting on Tenant’s behalf
do not have the right to file for mechanic’s liens or any other kind of liens on the Premises. Tenant agrees
to give actual advance notice to any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers of goods, labor or services
that such liens are invalid. Tenant further agrees to take the additional steps necessary to keep the
Premises free of any and all liens that may result from construction completed by or for Tenant.
21. Subordination. With respect to the Premises, this Agreement is subordinate to any mortgage that now
exists, or may be given later by Landlord.
22. Alterations. Tenant will not make any alteration, addition or improvement to the Premises without first
obtaining Landlord’s written consent. Any and all alterations, additions or improvements to the Premises
are without payment to Tenant and will become Landlord’s property immediately on completion and remain
on the Premises, unless Landlord requests or permits removal, in which case Tenant will return that part of
the Premises to the same condition as existed prior to the alteration, addition or improvement. Tenant will
not change any existing locks or install any additional locks on the Premises without first obtaining
Landlord's written consent and without providing Landlord a copy of all keys.
23. Smoking. Smoking of any kind is strictly prohibited on any part of the Premises. This prohibition applies
to Tenant and any visitor, guest or other occupant on the Premises.
24. Pets. Tenant is not allowed to have or keep any pets, even temporarily, on any part of the Premises. If
Tenant does keep an authorized pet on the Premises, Tenant will pay to Landlord a pet deposit in the
amount of $3,000.00. The unauthorized presence of any pet will subject Tenant to penalties, damages,
deductions and/or termination of this Agreement. Properly trained service animals that provide assistance
to individuals with disabilities may be permitted on the Premises with the prior written consent of Landlord,
which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Tenant will be responsible for the costs of de-fleaing, deodorizing
and/or shampooing all or any portion of the Premises if a pet has been on the Premises at any time during
the Term (whether with or without written consent of Landlord).
25. Inspection Checklist. In order to avoid disagreements about the condition of the Premises, at the time
of accepting possession of the Premises, Tenant will complete the Inspection Checklist incorporated herein
Lease Agreement
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