Outdoor Catering Checklist Template Page 3


Have you got an adequate supply of liquid anti-bacterial soap to last the
whole event?
Have you got an adequate supply of paper towels for hand drying?
Cloth hand towels are not recommended
NB: The use of disposable gloves at an event does not excuse businesses from hand washing. Gloves
should be changed on a regular basis and hands should be washed each time gloves are changed.
Do you have a large enough sink to accommodate all of your food
equipment and utensils?
Does your sink have an adequate supply of hot and cold running water?
Does the waste water drain into a suitable container?
Not an open bin or bucket.
Have you got separate and suitable waste water containers?
These must be clearly marked “waste water containers”.
Have you got enough fresh water containers?
These must be marked “fresh water only”.
Are your fresh water containers clean?
Fresh water containers must be disinfected using a Milton type solution and rinsed prior to use.
They must also have caps on them to prevent contamination.
Has your unit been thoroughly cleaned since your last event?
Do you have an adequate supply of clean cloths?
Ideally these should be disposable single use only cloths
Do you have an adequate supply of food-safe sanitiser, or disinfectant,
which complies with BS EN 1276 & BS EN 13697?
It is recommended that you use pre-diluted, ready-to-use products.
Your staff must also be aware of the minimum required contact time.
Do you have lidded bins for food and other waste?
Do you have arrangements for the collection and disposal of waste oil?
Do you have a working digital probe thermometer?
You must have one on site and it must be in good, clean condition and be working.
Are sanitising probe wipes available to clean and disinfect the
Do you have a first aid box with brightly coloured plasters?
(Usually blue – skin tone is not acceptable).


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