Outdoor Catering Checklist Template Page 2


Is your unit adequately protected from inclement weather?
If not, you will need to consider what protection can be provided for the site in question
Is your unit in good repair, capable of being cleaned and pest-proofed?
Are all work surfaces and preparation tables sealed, or covered, with an
impervious, washable material
(e.g. stainless steel, formica, washable table cloth)
Have you adequately protected the floor surface in your food preparation
Where the event is taking place on grass, it is not acceptable to operate without some form of
washable floor covering.
Do you have adequate refrigeration available, and as it capable of keeping
high-risk foods below +8
C throughout the event?
You must have good separation between raw and ready-to-eat foods at all times
The use of cool boxes for storing high-risk foods for long periods of time is not recommended
Do you have adequate freezer storage space available, and does it work
You must have good separation between raw and ready-to-eat foods at all times
Do you have suitable equipment for cooking and hot holding your food?
Food must be cooked above +75
C for 30 seconds (or equivalent)
Food must be hot held above +63
Do you have sufficient preparation space so that cross-contamination can
be avoided?
You must strive to have complete separation between areas used for preparing raw products
(particularly meat) and ready-to-eat foods.
Do you have colour-coded chopping boards that are in a good state of
Do you have separate, or colour-coded, utensils for both raw and ready-to-
eat foods?
Are there sufficient wash hand basins for your unit considering its size;
number of staff and anticipated food handling practices?
a bowl on its own is not acceptable as a wash hand basin.
There must be an effective
means of drainage into a waste water container from the wash hand basin).
Where staffs are split between raw and ready-to-eat products, ideally there should be separate
wash hand basins for each area. If not, there should at least be means of disinfecting the wash
hand basin after raw food handlers have used it.
Are the wash hand basins supplied with hot and cold running water?
Using hot water directly from an urn or kettle is not recommended since staffs are unlikely to
wash hands properly.
Does your wash hand basin have a suitable waste water container?
An open bucket is not suitable. The waste water container should have a screw neck on which a
lid can be screwed.


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