Outdoor Catering Checklist Template


The County Council of the City & County of Cardiff
Public Protection
Room 131 City Hall
Cardiff CF10 3ND
Tel: 02920 871120 / 02920 871128
Outdoor Catering Checklist
The checklist is intended to help you ensure that your food business operates to the highest standards of
hygiene throughout the event. This checklist is based upon the Chartered Institute of Environmental
Health’s Guidelines for Outdoor Catering Events.
You should work through the checklist and ensure that you have everything in place prior to the event.
If you answer “No” to any of the questions, you must ensure that the matter, or potential
problem, is addressed before the event takes place.
Food Business Name: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Event: ………………………………………………….
Date: ……………………….
Food Safety Management System
Have you developed a food safety management system for your outdoor
(e.g. Safer Food Better Business Pack).
Your management system must be relevant to your food handling practices at the event.
You must also ensure that you take this document with you to the event.
Do you have a supply of monitoring sheets for use at the event?
Food Handling Staff
Are all of your food handlers (including temporary staff) adequately trained,
supervised and given instruction in their expected duties?
Do you have staff hygiene training records to verify the above?
Evidence must be supplied.
Have your staffs been given a supply of clean personal protective clothing
to wear at the event?
Staff must be provided with protective over-clothing. It is not acceptable for staff to handle/serve
food in outdoor/everyday clothing.
Do you have a supply of separate aprons for those staff engaged in raw
food preparation?
Disposable plastic aprons are recommended for raw food handling and preparation
Are your staffs aware that they should not handle food if they are suffering
from certain illnesses?
They must be symptom-free for 48 hours if suffering from sickness and diarrhoea.


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