Guide To Designating Petitions Page 4


The Law requires that the only thing the voter must fill out on the petition sheet is his or
her signature. The petition carrier can fill in all the remaining information, including the
date and the addresses. We suggest that the voter’s signature is the only information
that should be filled out by the voter on the petition. Before the voter signs, you
should print clearly and legibly on the petition, in the voters presence, the date, the
voter’s address and print the voter’s name in the appropriate spaces. However, it is
not wrong or incorrect for the voter to fill in all the information him or herself. If the
voter desires to do so, let the voter fill in the information. Just be sure the date, the
address, and the printed name are correct and legible and that the voter signs on the
correct line.
Do not erase, cross out, or white out errors. If in error or in doubt, cross out the entire
line and go to the next line below the line and have them sign properly. Do not try to
correct mistakes after you have left the voter.
Do not abbreviate names or addresses. Never use ditto marks. Write out the name of
the month for the date.
Petition Carriers cannot sign a petition sheet that they are carrying, because you
cannot witness the collection of your own signature. You may sign a different page of
the petition if it is gathered and witnessed by a different person.
Make sure the petition signer has the opportunity to read the entire petition. Let the
signer take as much time as they wish to read all the language on the petition.


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