Guide To Designating Petitions Page 2


When gathering signatures, you will need the following materials:
Copies of your designating petitions
Blue or Black Pens
A “walking list” (names and addresses of registered voters in your council district)
Clipboard or stiff material to write on
Step 4: Start gathering your signatures.
Begin gathering your signatures by going door-
Five steps to get an accurate signature
to-door using your walking list of registered
voters in your District. Typically, the best time to
1. Be certain that the person signing is
go door-to-door is after work hours on weekdays
registered to vote in your council
or on weekends.
2. Put the date in the first column
Signatures must be from registered voters of
your political party in your district and each
3. Have them sign their name in cursive
voter is only allowed to sign the petition of one
4. Print their name on the line below their
5. Print their street address in the column
A sample talking script is included below for use
labeled “Residence”
by volunteers when going door-to-door.
“Hello, My name is _________, may I speak to ________? I am volunteer for _____________, who is
running for _______. I am collecting signatures to allow ____________’s name to be placed on the
ballot for the Primary Election on September __. Would you please sign for me?”
Many voters may not understand what the petitioning process is all about. If they show
hesitation about signing, don’t give up. You may respond by clarifying,
“You’re not committing to vote for anybody by signing this petition. You’re just supporting the
democratic process and allowing _________’s right to run for office by being on the ballot. Will you
sign just to support _________’s right to run for public office and our right to have a choice of who to
vote for?”
If the voters ask questions about your background, you and/or your volunteers should be
prepared to give a very short answer as to why you are the best candidate. If the voter still
refuses to sign your petition, politely thank the voter for his or her time and go on to the next
house or apartment.
If you make an error on the petition form, cross out the information with a single line and
initial any change you make. The initials should match those of the name printed in the
“Statement of Witness.” Note: never use whiteout to correct a mistake.
Step 6: After you are finished gathering signatures, complete the “Statement of Witness”
on the bottom of the designating petition.


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