Property Management Agreement Sample Page 5


connection with such actions, as determined by Owner, shall be paid out of the Operating
Account. Manager shall properly assess, bill to and make every reasonable effort to collect from
each tenant, or the security deposit, the cost of repairing any damages to the housing unit arising
during the tenant’s occupancy.
3.5 Maintenance and Repairs. Manager shall, at Owner's expense, maintain the
Development in a decent, safe and sanitary condition and in a rentable state of repair, all in
accordance with applicable Federal, State and local statutes and regulations. Manager shall
otherwise maintain the Development at all times in a condition acceptable to Owner, including
but not limited to cleaning, painting, decorating, plumbing, carpentry, grounds care, and such
other maintenance and repair work as may be necessary. Incident thereto, the following
provisions shall apply:
a) Special attention shall be given to preventive maintenance and, to that end; the
services of a regular superintendent shall be used.
b) Subject to Owner's prior written approval, Manager shall contract with qualified
independent contractors for the maintenance and repair of major mechanical systems,
and for the performance of extraordinary repairs beyond the capability of regular
maintenance personnel. Manager shall obtain, prior to commencement of any work,
appropriate written evidence of such contractor's liability and workers’ compensation
c) Manager shall systematically and promptly receive and investigate all service
requests from tenants, take such action thereon as may be justified, and shall keep
records of the same. Emergency requests shall be serviced on a 24-hour basis.
Complaints of a serious nature shall be reported to Owner after investigation. At
Owner's request, Owner shall receive all service requests and the reports of action
d) Manager shall take such action as may be necessary to comply with any and all
orders and requirements of federal, state, county and municipal authorities having
jurisdiction over the Development, and with orders of any board of fire underwriters,
insurance companies and other similar bodies pertaining to the Development.
e) Except as otherwise provided in this section, Manager is authorized to purchase, at
Owner's expense, all materials, equipment, tools, appliances, supplies and services
necessary for proper maintenance and repair of the Development. Manager shall
obtain receipts for all contracts, materials, supplies, utilities, and services for those
items which can be obtained from more than one source. Manager shall obtain three
bids on all contracts or purchases which exceed $2,000. Manager shall secure and
credit to Owner all discounts, rebates or commissions obtainable with respect to
purchase, service contracts and all other transactions on Owner's behalf.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the prior written approval of Owner will be required
for any contract which exceeds one year in duration, or expenditure which exceeds
Sample Property Management Agreement RAD Conversion Sites
Page 5


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