Property Management Agreement Sample Page 26


parts. Maintenance records will be maintained on each piece of equipment to
insure proper servicing.
b. Regular Inspection and Reports
Regular inspection of all units, buildings and grounds (using an inspection
reporting form prescribed by the Manager and approved by the Owner) will be
conducted by the Manager. These inspections are intended to identify
maintenance problems, which, if tended to promptly, should not become serious.
Unit inspections will include at least quarterly entry by Manager, as well as
when a resident either moves into or vacates a unit.
To insure that a continual inspection program is carried out when a resident gives
a notice to vacate, a date for the inspection of his/her unit will be scheduled
approximately two days before his/her departure. At this time, both the Manager
and the resident will inspect the unit, compare any damages or wear with that on
the move-in checklist, and determine whether the resident must pay for any
repairs. Copies of these inspection reports will be given to the Site Manager, the
resident, and the Maintenance Person.
Prior to re-renting the unit, the
maintenance personnel will utilize and follow this same inspection sheet, make all
necessary repairs, have the unit painted (if necessary) and thoroughly cleaned,
and check all equipment and appliances for proper operation.
c. Interior and Exterior Painting
A comprehensive interior and exterior painting schedule will be maintained for
the development. All apartments that have been continuously occupied by the
same resident will typically be redecorated every three years, and all vacated
apartments will normally be repainted prior to re-occupancy. The exteriors of all
buildings, including frames, doors and overhang, will be painted as necessary.
d. Trash Removal
Trash removal will be handled by a local service. The residents will be instructed
as to how and where to place their trash for pickup.
e. Major Repairs
Major repairs ($2,000 or more) that cannot be handled by the on-site staff will be
subcontracted. The Manager will consult the Owner whenever making a repair
amounting to over $2,000 (except in the case of an emergency where the Owner
cannot be reached). The project policy for budgeting for and/or requesting use of
replacement funds for funding major maintenance or replacement items is to
anticipate the need for such repairs in advance, budget for same on a yearly basis,
and request permission prior to instituting any such repairs.
Sample Property Management Agreement RAD Conversion Sites
Page 26


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