Property Management Agreement Sample Page 16


A. Income and Rental Limitations
Income and Rental Limitations are described in Section 3.2 of the Management Agreement.
B. Screening Process
1. Application. Each prospective tenant must complete and sign an application for lease
containing detailed personal information; previous residences and landlords for
several years; information on employment, income, assets, and credit; proposed
occupants (including ages) and pets; references; and containing such other
information and statements as will enable Manager to screen the prospective tenant,
or as is otherwise proper and advisable for the management of the Development in
accordance with professional standards.
2. Interview. Manager shall interview all applicants for the housing unit to be leased in
order to determine whether the applicant meets the property standards for admissions.
3. Employment. Manager shall verify the employment and income information given
by the prospective tenant.
4. Credit. Manager shall have conducted a responsible credit agency check of the
prospective tenant, and shall personally check with one or more of the tenant's
previous landlords, if possible, with respect to past rent payment history. Manager
may contract with a service which provides reference reports for renters.
5. Housekeeping. If possible, Manager shall check with one or more previous landlords
of the proposed tenant and other occupants, with respect to their ability to maintain an
apartment in good condition and to abide by building rules.
6. Other. Reserved.
7. Approval. Manager shall approve the proposed tenant's lease application only if, in
Manager's best professional judgment, the proposed tenant is qualified to pay rent
when due, and all proposed occupants are likely to maintain properly the dwelling
unit, abide by reasonable rules, and otherwise be suitable occupants of the
Development. Also, without Owner's prior written consent, Manager shall not
approve any lease application unless the tenant and other proposed occupants meet
the rental guidelines contained in the Requirements.
C. Tenant Lease
Sample Property Management Agreement RAD Conversion Sites
Page 16


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