Form S&dc-Professional - Professional Statement And Designation By Foreign Corporation - 2012

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Statement and Designation
by Foreign Corporation
[Name of Corporation]
, a corporation organized and existing under the
laws of
, makes the following statements and designation:
State or Place of Incorporation]
1. The address of its principal executive office is
2. The address of its principal office in the State of California is
[If none, leave Item 2 blank.]
3. This corporation is a foreign professional corporation within the meaning of Part 4, Division 3, Title 1, California
Corporations Code.
---- select one ----
4. The purpose of the corporation is to engage in the profession of
[law or accountancy only]
5. The shareholders of this corporation shall be subject, with regard to the rendering of professional services by the
professional corporation in California, or for California residents, to the same degree of personal liability, if any, in
California as is from time to time prescribed by the agency governing the profession in this state for shareholders
in a California professional corporation rendering services in the same profession. This application accordingly
constitutes a submission to the jurisdiction of the courts of California to the same extent, but only to the same
extent, as applies to the shareholders of a California professional corporation in the same profession. The
foregoing submission to jurisdiction is a condition of qualification to do business in this state.
Designation of Agent for Service of Process in the State of California
[Complete either Item 6 or Item 7.]
6. (Use this paragraph if the process agent is a natural person.)
, a natural person residing in the State of
California, whose complete street address in California is
, is designated as agent upon whom process directed to
this corporation may be served within the State of California, in the manner provided by law.
7. (Use this paragraph if the process agent is another corporation.)
a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
is designated as agent upon whom process directed to this corporation may be served within the State of
California, in the manner provided by law.
8. It irrevocably consents to service of process directed to it upon the agent designated above, and to service of
process on the Secretary of State of the State of California if the agent so designated or the agent's successor is
no longer authorized to act or cannot be found at the address given.
[Signature of Corporate Officer]
[Typed Name and Title of Officer Signing]
If an individual is designated as the agent for service of process, include the agent’s business or residential street address in California (a P.O.
Box address is not acceptable). If another corporation is designated as the agent for service of process, do not include the address of the
designated corporation. Note: Corporate agents must have complied with California Corporations Code section 1505 prior to designation, and a
corporation cannot act as its own agent.
Secretary of State Form
S&DC-PROFESSIONAL (Rev. 02/2012)
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