Instructions Draft For Form 8804-W - Installment Payments Of Section 1446 Tax For Partnerships - 2013 Page 2


Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8804-W
Installment Payments of Section 1446 Tax for Partnerships
the Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and
for Forms 8804, 8805, and 8813 for
Section references are to the Internal Revenue
Code unless otherwise noted.
8813 for more information.
additional information. The netting rules
under section 1(h) and Notice 97-59 must
Future Developments
Refiguring Estimated
be considered in determining the category
of income the reduction amounts offset.
For the latest information about
Section 1446 Tax
developments related to Form 8804-W,
Lines 1c, 1g, 1k, and 1o. Enter the
If, after the partnership figures and makes
and its instructions, such as legislation
reduction amounts resulting from certified
September 19, 2012
an installment payment of estimated
enacted after they were published, go to
partner-level items received from foreign
section 1446 tax, it finds that its section
partners using Form 8804-C. See
1446 tax liability for the year will be more
Certification of Deductions and Losses in
or less than originally estimated, it may
General Instructions
the Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and
have to refigure its required installments. If
8813 for additional information. The
earlier installments were underpaid, the
netting rules under section 1(h) and Notice
Who Must Make Estimated
partnership may owe a penalty for
97-59 must be considered in determining
underpayment of estimated tax. An
Section 1446 Tax
the category of income the reduction
immediate catch-up payment should be
amounts offset.
made to reduce the amount of any penalty
resulting from the underpayment of any
Line 7—Prior Year Safe Harbor
Partnerships generally must make
earlier installments, whether caused by a
installment payments of estimated section
Enter the total section 1446 tax that would
change in estimate, failure to make a
1446 tax if they expect the aggregate tax
have been due for 2012 on ECTI allocable
payment, or a mistake.
on the effectively connected taxable
to foreign partners for 2012, without any
income (ECTI) that is allocable to all
reductions for state and local taxes under
Specific Instructions
foreign partners to be $500 or more.
Regulations section 1.1446-6(c)(1)(iii) or
certified partner-level items. With respect
When To Make Estimated
to the partnership's first installment
Part I—Determination of
Section 1446 Tax
payment, if the 2012 Form 8804 has not
Installment Payments
yet been filed, an estimate is acceptable.
However, if the partnership later
Complete Form 8804-W for each
The installments are due by the 15th day
determines that this estimate is incorrect,
installment payment of section 1446 tax
of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of the
see Refiguring Estimated Section 1446
based on the information available at the
partnership's tax year. If any date falls on
Tax, earlier.
time of the installment payment.
a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the
Complete line 7 only if all of the
Lines 1 through 6—Current
installment is due on the next regular
following apply:
business day.
Year Safe Harbor
The prior tax year consisted of 12
Underpayment of
Lines 1a, 1e, 1i, and 1m. To determine
the foreign partner's allocable share of
Estimated Section 1446
The partnership timely files (including
ECTI, see Effectively Connected Taxable
extensions) a U.S. return of partnership
Income in the Instructions for Forms 8804,
income (e.g., Form 1065) for the prior
8805, and 8813. With respect to lines 1e,
A partnership that does not make
year, and
1i, and 1m, enter the specified types of
estimated section 1446 tax payments
The amount of ECTI for the prior tax
ECTI if such partner would be entitled to
when due may be subject to an
year is not less than 50% of the ECTI
use a preferential rate on such income or
underpayment penalty for the period of
expected for the current tax year.
gain (see Regulations section 1.1446-3(a)
underpayment. See Schedule A (Form
Furthermore, the Form 8804 on which the
8804) for details.
current year ECTI will be reported must be
If the partnership has net ordinary loss, net
timely filed.
How To Make Estimated
short-term capital loss, or net 28% rate
If any of the above does not apply, skip
Section 1446 Tax
loss, each net loss should be netted
line 7 and enter the amount from line 6 on
against the appropriate categories of
line 8.
income and gain to determine the
A partnership that is required to make an
amounts of income and gain to be entered
If the partnership qualifies to use the
installment payment of section 1446 tax
on lines 1e, 1i, and 1m, respectively. See
prior year safe harbor and chooses that
must file Form 8813, Partnership
section 1(h) and Notice 97-59, 1997-45
method, it must use that method to pay
I.R.B. 7, for rules for netting gains and
Withholding Tax Payment Voucher
each of its installments during the tax year.
(Section 1446). Furthermore, the
Furthermore, for each installment
partnership is generally required to notify
payment, the average of that installment
Lines 1b, 1f, 1j, and 1n. Enter the
each foreign partner of the section 1446
and prior installments during the tax year
reduction amounts for state and local
tax paid on the partner's behalf within 10
must be at least 25% of the amount that
taxes under Regulations section
days of the installment payment due date.
satisfies the partnership's section 1446 tax
1.1446-6(c)(1)(iii). See Reductions for
See Regulations section 1.1446-3(d) and
liability under the prior year safe harbor. If
State and Local Taxes in the Instructions
the partnership does not satisfy both of
Sep 12, 2012
Cat. No. 51675X


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