Guardian Ad Litem Code Of Conduct Template Page 2


Guardian ad Litem staff and volunteers shall not take action which:
endangers the child, a party, a witness or other person
is outside the powers or role of the guardian ad litem;
violates state or local law, court rule, Program policy or court or Program
contravenes staff or court direction;
repeatedly or significantly fails to perform a responsibility as a GAL;
falsifies or fails to disclose information on the guardian ad litem
application form, misrepresents facts during the screening interview or commits
an act which results in a substantial alteration of the individual’s qualifications
to serve in the GAL Program;
violates the GAL Code of Conduct or the Standards of Operation;
transports a child or a family member of a child represented by the Program;
engages in conduct that is inappropriate or not in the best interests of the child
or the GAL Program;
engages in an intimate, social, or other nonprofessional relationship with any
person connected to the case or be employed in a position that might result in a
conflict of interest;
practices, condones, facilitates, or participates in any form of
discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion,
national origin, marital status, political belief, mental or physical handicap, or
any other preference or personal characteristic, condition or status;
accepts a fee for services as a guardian ad litem appointed through the GAL
allows any child or family member of a child represented by the Program into
their home;
gives therapeutic counseling;
gives legal advice or otherwise practice law in their capacity as a
guardian ad litem, unless the guardian ad litem is an attorney;
misrepresents the role or position of the guardian ad litem; or
engages in any ex parte communication with a judge.


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