Transient Merchant Registration - Wisconsin Page 2


9. Has applicant ever been convicted of any crime or ordinance violation related to applicant’s transient merchant
business within the last five years?
____ No
____Yes – Nature of offense & place of conviction ______________________________________
Section 2: Individual or Partnerships Only (list each partner)
Applicant Name _____________________________________________________________________________
(Last, First, Middle Initial)
Birthdate _________________
Height ________ Weight ________
Hair ________
Eyes ________
Applicant Name _____________________________________________________________________________
(Last, First, Middle Initial)
Birthdate _________________
Height ________ Weight ________
Hair ________
Eyes ________
Applicant Name _____________________________________________________________________________
(Last, First, Middle Initial)
Birthdate _________________
Height ________ Weight ________
Hair ________
Eyes ________
I, ______________________(applicant), hereby appoint the City Clerk of Madison as agent to accept services of
process in any civil action brought against me arising out of any sale of services performed by me in connection
with my transient sales activities in the event I cannot, after reasonable effort, be served personally, which action
shall be brought in Dane County, Wisconsin, all of which is pursuant to the requirements of the Madison General
Ordinances, Section 9.17(4)(d).
this __________ day of _____________, 20_____
Signature of Applicant
Notary Public
My commission expires_____________________
Section 3: Corporations or Limited Liability Companies Only
A Corporation of Limited Liability Company (LLC) which has named a current registered agent for service and
process in Wisconsin through the Wisconsin Secretary of State’s Office and which establishes that it is in good
standing with such Office, may register in its Corporate/LLC name by an authorized agent if the Corporation/LLC
uses only its own employees to transact a business for which the registration is sought.
I hereby appoint ____________________________ as agent to accept services of process in any civil action
arising out of any sale of services performed by _______________________________ (name of Corporation or
LLC), in connection with its transient sales activities and that the Corporation/LLC is in good standing with the
Wisconsin Secretary of State, pursuant to the requirements of the Madison General Ordinances, section
this __________ day of _____________, 20_____
Signature of Authorized Agent, Corporate Officer or LLC Member
(proof of authorization required)
Notary Public
My commission expires_____________________


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