To be completed personally by applicant
Note: the completion of this form does not indicate that there is any obligation on the company to engage the
Please answer the following questions in relation to your application for employment, which will assist us to
assess your suitability for a position. The questions being asked are relevant to the nature and type of work
undertaken in our workplace and comply with the rights and obligations under legislation, including the
Immigration Act 2009, the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, and the Human Rights Act 1993. The
information will be used by us to assess you for this purpose only. If successful, such information will form part
of our staff records.
Date of Application_______________________
Personal Details
Surname: _______________________________
Forenames: _________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________________________
Home Address:__________________________________________________________________________
Daytime contact phone no.:___________________
Mobile contact phone no: ____________________
Position Applying For:
Preferred Department: (Please circle)
Slaughter Board / Boning Room / Chillers / Freezers / Chop Room / Stockyards
Relevant Experience: _____________________________________________________________________
You will be required to undergo a pre-employment drug screening test.
Do you consent to this?
Yes / No