Sample Merit And Bonus Adjustment Letters Template Page 11


Sample Merit and Bonus Adjustment Letters
Dear {{ employee_first_name }},
Please note the addition of “Bonus” to your paycheck for this week. It has been a
long time coming, and it has taken a lot of hard work to accomplish our goals but we
have done it! Your bonus is a reflection of our appreciation for your efforts and
another way of saying thanks for a job well done!
As our future outlook continues to improve, we will do our best to provide bonus
incentives to our employees. We’re striving to nurture an environment of such that
when {{ }} does well, our employees are recognized accordingly.
Thanks a million for all of your hard work, patience, help, and support while things
have been changing!
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or any other
information/feedback of use, please let me know. Thanks again!
{{ manager_first_name }} {{ manager_last_name }}


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