Form Mo-1065 Draft - Partnership Return Of Income - 2015 Page 3


The principal expense item in this formula is interest expense;
To obtain information and Missouri tax forms, access our web site at:
however, the Direc tor of Revenue may include other expense items
because of the direct re la tionship to the production of exempt income.
The taxpayer may propose an al ter na tive method provided that it
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
properly reflects the amount of related expenses.
The state of Missouri offers a Dual Party Relay Service (DPRS) for
Part 2 — Allocation of Missouri Partnership
speech orhearing impaired individuals in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). An individual with a speech or
Adjustment to Partners
hearing impairment may call a voice user at TTY (800) 735-2966 or fax
Part 2 indicates the portion of the Missouri adjustment from
(573) 526-1881.
Part 1 that is allocated to each partner.
Column 4 and the
Form MO-1065, Partnership
instructions for Column 5 are based upon the usual situation
that a single general profit and loss sharing percentage
Return of Income Instructions
applies to all partnership items and related modifications.
Part 1 — Missouri Partnership Adjustment
Attach a detailed explanation (including extracts from the
partnership agreement) if the Column 5 amounts are not based
upon the same single percentage allocation indicated on Federal
are necessary Missouri modifications. Completion of Part 1 will result
Form 1065, Schedule K-1. The explanation must include the non tax
in the net Missouri partnership adjustment that will be allocated to the
purposes and effects of the special allocation method.
partners in Part 2. The partner’s adjustment can only be made from
information available from the partnership. It is necessary for each
partnership having modifications to complete Form MO-1065, Parts 1
and 2, and notify each partner of the adjustment to which he or she is
Interest on Exempt Federal Obligations — Interest from direct
obligations of the U.S. Government, such as U.S. savings bonds,
U.S. treasury bills, bonds, and notes is exempt from state taxation
under the laws of the United States. Attach a detailed list or all
Federal Form 1099(s). Partnerships that claim an exclusion for
interest from U.S. obligations must identify the specific securities
owned, (e.g., U.S. savings bond).
A general description,
such as “interest on U.S. obligation” or “U.S. Government
securities” is not acceptable.
12 CSR 10-2.150
for the
taxability of various U.S. Government-related obligations.)
list of exempt U.S. obligations must be provided to each partner
by the partnership. This list will allow the partner to report the
modification on his or her Form MO-1040, Individual Income Tax
A federally taxed distribution received from a mutual fund investing
exclusively in direct U.S. Government obligations is exempt. If
the mutual fund invests in both exempt (direct) and nonexempt
(indirect) federal obligations, the deduction allowed will be the
distribution received from the mutual fund attributable to the
direct U.S. Government obligations, as determined by the mutual
fund. A copy of the year-end statement received from the mutual
fund showing the amount of monies received or the percentage
of funds received from direct U.S. Government obligations or a
summary statement received from the mutual fund which clearly
identifies the exempt and nonexempt por tions of the U.S.
Government obligations interest, must be pro vided to each partner
by the partnership. Note: Failure to attach a copy of the notification
furnished to you that specifically details the amount of the subtraction
being claimed as the distributive share will result in the disallowance
of the deduction.
In arriving at the amount of related expenses, the taxpayer may use
actual expenses or a reasonable estimate. In general, the taxpayer
should use the same or similar method to that used to compute related
expenses for federal income tax purposes, provided that the method
reasonably reflects related expenses for Missouri-exempt income.
If a taxpayer fails to compute reasonable related expenses, the Director
of Revenue will make an adjustment based on the best information
made available. If sufficient information is not made available or if the
taxpayer’s records do not provide sufficient information, the Director of
Revenue will use the fol low ing formula to compute related expenses:
Exempt income x Expense items = Reduction to exempt income
Total income


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