Part 3(b) – Reason for Exemption Application
Absent from the State for a substantial period of time (for a period greater than 1 month)
Effective from
NOTE: A travel Itinerary, tickets, passport or similar document, letter from employer signed and dated or Statutory Declaration must be
provided confirming your absence from the state for the period of time indicated on this application and must include your contact details for
the absent period and any other evidence e.g. documents that will support your application for exemption.
Temporarily physically incapacitated (for a period greater than 1 month)
Effective from
NOTE: A medical certificate is required stating the nature of the condition, expected duration, impact on ability to operate a firearm and the
contact details of the signing medical practitioner and any other evidence e.g. documents that will support your application for exemption.
Firearm Storage - In order for a determination to be made as to whether your firearm(s) may be required to be stored with another licence
holder or Licensed Firearms Dealer during the exemption period for the above reasons, please attach a separate page outlining the following:
The storage address your firearm(s) will be stored at during the exemption period.
If the firearm(s) are to be stored at another licence holders storage facility or with a Licensed Firearms Dealer please specify their
full name, address and licence details.
If the storage address will be occupied during your absence, please provide details i.e. occupier(s) full name, arrangements to
prevent access to firearm(s).
Have you arranged for any additional security arrangements e.g. alarms? Please specify.
Other reason(s) that has impacted on your ability to meet the annual participation requirement (for a period greater
than 1 month)
Effective from
NOTE: Please provide separately a detailed description explaining what will preclude you from meeting your participation requirements
and include any evidence e.g. documents that will support your application for exemption. If you participated interstate /overseas you must
provide a signed, dated letter (on registered club or organisational letterhead) or scorecard which provides the type, date and number of
the matches/shoots undertaken the handgun class and contact details of the club or range where the match/shoot took place. All provided
documentation must be endorsed by your nominated principal club.
Part 4 – Prescribed Handgun Class Details
Classes of handgun for which modification (variation)/exemption is required
Place a cross in the appropriate box(es) below to indicate the prescribed class(es) that you require an modification
(variation)/exemption for:
Class 1 – Air handgun
Class 2 – Rimfire handgun
Class 3 – Centrefire handgun with a calibre of .38 inch or less OR a black powder handgun
Class 4 – Centrefire handgun with a calibre of more than .38 inch but no more than .45 inch
Part 5 - Acknowledgment
I acknowledge that the particulars in this application and any attachments are true and correct and I make this acknowledgment knowing this
it is an offence against section 140A(1) of the Firearms Act 1996 to wilfully supply details that are false or misleading (maximum penalty 240
penalty units or 4 years imprisonment).
Privacy Statement: The information collected in this application is being collected by Victoria Police. It will be used in accordance with the
provisions of the Firearms Act 1996, Private Security Act 2004, Control of Weapons Act 1990 and the Information Privacy Act 2000. Your
information may be disclosed to employers, approved bodies and other statutory authorities by Victoria Police for the purpose of law
enforcement and the administration of justice. Applicants may gain access to their information through application to the Victoria Police
Freedom of Information Unit.
Health Privacy Statement: The health information collected in this application is being collected by Victoria Police. The health information
in accordance with the
collected will be used
provisions of the Firearms Act 1996, Private Security Act 2004, Control of Weapons Act
1990 and the Health Records Act 2001, and is required to be collected under the Firearms Act 1996. Your health information may be
disclosed to approved bodies and/or statutory authorities for purposes related to the administration of the above Acts, for the purpose of law
enforcement or, if necessary, for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal or equitable claim. Applicants are able to gain access to
their health information through application to the Victoria Police Freedom of Information Unit.