Agreement Adding Silent Partner To Existing Partnership Template


Agreement Adding Silent Partner to Existing Partnership
This contract made _________, 20_____, by and between A and B, partners under the partnership
name of _________, and C, of _________.
A and B have carried on the business of _________ as partners under and by virtue of
articles of partnership, dated _________, 20__.
A and B are desirous of increasing the capital of their business, for the purpose of more
effectually carrying it on, and have agreed to admit C into partnership with them, upon the
terms and conditions contained here upon his [her] advancing _________ dollars, to be
added to the partnership capital and effects.
In pursuance of the recited agreement, and in consideration of _________ dollars, to be
advanced and brought in by C to the account of the partnership, at or before its execution,
each of them, A, B and C, the partners, covenant and agree that they will be partners in the
business of _________ for the term of _________ years, commencing from the _________
day of _________, subject to the agreements below.
The capital of the partnership shall be _________ dollars, to be brought in by the partners
in the following proportions, namely: A and B shall bring in _________ dollars, the original
capital of the partnership, under the recited indenture of the _________ day of _________,
and being one-third of the partnership capital, and C shall bring in _________ dollars so
agreed to be advanced, being two-thirds of the partnership capital, which last mentioned
_________ dollars shall be paid by C into the _________ bank to the credit of the
partnership, on or before the _________ day of _________. The partners shall be
considered as creditors with respect to the capital, and shall be allowed interest at the rate
of _________ percent per year.
That the business of the partnership shall be carried on at the present store, warehouse,
and premises, or at such other place or places as the partners shall from time to time agree
upon, under the same style and firm, and in the same manner in all respects as the
partnership business has been carried on by A and B.
That the partnership business shall be managed and carried on, and all purchases, sales,
bills of parcels, orders, notes, letters, bills, receipts, payments, contracts, securities,
dealings, and transactions, which shall be made, given, or taken for any matter or thing
concerning the same, shall from time to time be so made, given, taken, and entered into in
the name of A and B.
That all goods, wares, and merchandise bought and sold, received in or delivered out, and
the prices for which they were bought and sold, and all moneys, payments, securities, and
dealings in general relating to the partnership business, shall be charged daily and entered
by A and B in proper books for that purpose, and, in particular, that a book shall be kept for


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