School District Income Tax Return And Instructions - Ohio Department Of Taxation - 2004 Page 2


A Message from Ohio’s Tax Commissioner
Your school district number is based upon the address shown
can use your personal computer to I-file your 2004 school
on your 2003 tax return. This school district information was
district return. Simply go to our web site at
used to help determine who should be mailed a school dis-
and follow the directions. This service is free.
trict booklet. If you believe that you received this form in er-
The Finder
ror, verify your school district using
(see page 6).
To e-file, your return must be prepared using approved
computer software and transmitted through an approved
I-file or E-file
electronic filing provider. Many commerical software com-
panies and most professional tax preparers provide elec-
You now have two paperless options to electronically file your
tronic filing for a small fee.
school district return.
If you use a paperless method and use direct deposit, you
If you filed an Ohio income tax return last year, then you
can receive your refund in three to five days.
Instructions for Completing the School District Income Tax Return
If during 2004 you resided in or had school district income tax withheld for more than one of the school districts
listed on page 7 of this booklet, you must complete separate returns for each school district affected.
Line 1
Ohio adjusted gross income –
Line 8
School district tax less credit – subtract line 7 from
Enter the amount from line 3 of your Ohio Form IT
line 6 and enter the result on line 8.
1040 or IT 1040EZ unless you filed your Ohio in-
Line 9
School district income tax withheld – enter only the
come tax return by telephone.
school district withholding tax that is clearly identi-
If you filed your Ohio income tax return by tele-
fied on your W-2’s with the school district number
phone and filed your federal taxes using either
for the school district for which you are filing this
federal Form 1040A, 1040EZ or by telephone, en-
return. Attach a copy of your W-2’s to the back of
ter the amount from line 3 of your Ohio TeleFile
your return.
If you filed your Ohio income tax return by tele-
Line 10 Estimated payments/credit carryover – if you made
phone and filed your federal taxes using the fed-
estimated school district income tax payments and/
eral long Form 1040, enter amount from line 3 of
or an SD 40P extension payment, enter the total
your Ohio TeleFile worksheet less any amount on
amount on line 10. Also include any credit carryover
line 4 of the Ohio TeleFile worksheet.
from your 2003 SD 100 return.
Line 2
Part-year or nonresident deduction – enter the
Line 11
Total payments – add lines 9 and 10 and enter the
amount of income included on line 1 that you earned
total on line 11.
while you were a resident of another school dis-
Line 12
– if line 11 is less than line 8,
subtract line 11 from line 8 and enter your balance
Line 3
School district adjusted gross income – subtract
due amount on line 12.
Make your check or money
line 2 from line 1 and enter the result on line 3.
order payable to
, and
write your school district number, social security
Line 4
Exemptions – enter the number of your personal
number and “2004 SD 100” on your check or money
and dependent exemptions and multiply this num-
ber by $1,300.
Line 13 Overpayment – if line 11 is more than line 8, sub-
Line 5
School district taxable income – subtract line 4 from
tract line 8 from line 11 and enter the result on line
line 3 and enter the result on line 5.
13. You must also complete line 14 and/or line 15.
Line 6
School district tax – multiply line 5 (school district
Line 14 CREDIT TO 2005 – indicate the amount of line 13
taxable income) by the appropriate tax rate for your
you want us to credit to your 2005 school district
district shown in the SD 100 booklet, and enter the
You cannot apply a credit against a bal-
result on line 6.
ance due for another school district, a school dis-
trict that has expired, another person’s tax, prior
Line 7
Senior citizen credit – you may claim a $50 credit if
year’s tax or your Ohio income tax return.
you were 65 years of age or older before January
1, 2005. Only one credit of $50 is allowed for each
Line 15
– subtract line 14 from line 13. This is the
return even if you are filing a joint return and you
amount of line 13 you want us to refund to you.
and your spouse are both 65 years of age or older.
cannot apply a refund against a balance due for
another school district, another person’s tax, prior
year’s tax or your Ohio income tax return.
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