Sample Bylaws for a Congregation
This document contains two different styles of bylaws for a particular
congregation. The first is adapted from a sample found on the PCUSA web site.
The second is based on bylaws of several of our local churches. Both meet the
basic requirements for bylaws in the Stated of Maryland and both meet the
requirements of the new Book of Order (2011-2013).
Changes that may need to be made in your bylaws because of the new Book of Order:
1 Define the quorum for a congregational meeting
2 May define the quorum for a session (in bylaws or in session manual)
3 Define the way congregational meetings are announced
4 Determine the use of Robert’s Rules in congregational meetings
5 Make explicit no votes by proxy in congregational meetings
6 Define the size and makeup of the nominating committee
7 Determine how congregational meeting minutes will be approved.
Quorums for congregational meetings and for sessions are no longer defined.
1. According to G-1.0501, “Congregations shall provide by rule the quorum necessary to
conduct business.” The concern is that without a defined quorum, congregations will
be held to the Robert’s Rules default quorum of one more than half of the active
members. The quorum defined in the 2009-2011 Book of Order is “not less than one-
tenth of the members” nor fewer than three members. [G-7.0305 in the older Book of
Order}. The quorum should be defined in your church’s bylaws.
2. According to G-3.0203, “Sessions shall provide by rule for a quorum for meetings; such
quorum shall include the moderator and either a specific number of ruling elders or a
specific percentage of those ruling elders in current service on the session.” The old
rule was the moderator and one third of the elders, but not fewer than two elders. I
recommend that this quorum also be in your bylaws, although it could be in the
session’s manual of administrative operations.
Some rules for congregational meetings are not as explicit as they were in the former Book
of Order.
3. “Adequate public notice for all congregational meetings” [G-1.0502] is required, but
your congregation may decide just what constitutes adequate notice. The old rule [G-
7.0303b] was “Public notice of the meeting shall be given on two successive Sundays.
The meeting may be convened following the notice given on the second Sunday.” Your
definition of “adequate public notice” should be in your bylaws.
4. Use of Robert’s Rules or other parliamentary procedure for congregational meetings
was required in the old Book of Order [G-7.0302c] “All meetings of the congregation
shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order,
or a comparable parliamentary authority adopted by the congregation, except in those
cases where this Constitution provides otherwise.” The new Book of Order has this
requirement for all meetings of councils, but does not mention this for congregations.
You may want to specify this in your bylaws.