English Language Workbook Page 6


A: Nice to meet you too, sunny.
A: Would you mind to introduce by yourself, such as where are you living?
B: Well, I live in Taipei. I like Taipei’s life style, which is so convenient and comfortable.
And you?
A: I have been living in Tainan for two years. What do you do?
B: I work at the Central Hotel. What do you do for a living?
A: Well, I am a student; I still study in junior high school.
B: Wow, It’s good for you. How old are you?
A: I am 14 years old, my birthday is tomorrow.
B: How amazing!! My birthday is on Sunday in this week. We are the same star-signs!!
A: Unbelievable!! So, How many people in your family?
B: There are four people in my family, parents, my sister and me. And you?
A: There are five people in my family. One sister and brother, me and my parents.
A: What kind of sports do you like? Do you like to play tennis or baseball?
B: Sorry, I can’t play it very well, but I enjoy playing badminton with my family when I have
free time on the weekend.
A: oh, I see. What kind of food do you like? Why?
B: I like to eat Japanese food, it tastes delicious and look very pretty. Sushi is my lovely
food. How about you?
A: In my opinion, I prefer to eat Taiwanese food because there is a variety of food, such as
pearl milk tea and beef noodles. My favorite is chicken-steak.
A: What hobby are you interested in? Are you interested in antiques?
B: Antiques? No, I am not interested, sorry! I am interested in traveling, listening to music
and watching movies. Is there any hobby that you involved in?
A: I love to play video-game and movies.
A: Anyway, it’s very happy to talk to you. See you next time.
B: It’s my pleasure to talk to you , bye bye, John.


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