Pilot Interview Questions Template Page 2


What is blue line?
What is V1? What is V2?
What is the difference between stating minimum fuel and declaring and emergency?
What is a balanced field?
What are the alcohol consumption regulations?
What is the IFR fuel requirement?
At what FL does RSVM begin and what are the requirements to operate within?
Be able to talk through a departure or Arrival procedure, what to do in case of lost communications, final
altitude, and flight path.
Conflict Resolution Questions:
The proverbial drunken captain question, may be asked in various forms and also be ready to roll play the
What would you do if during the van ride to the airport your captain smelled like alcohol?
What would you do if you ran into your captain drinking within less than the regulatory 8 hours
bottle to throttle?
What would you do/say if your captain (flying pilot) was 5 knots slow on Final Approach? Again this
may be role played.


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