Pilot Interview Questions Template


Pilot Interview Questions
Standard HR Questions:
Tell me something about yourself that we cannot decipher from your resume or application?
What is one accomplishment that you are very proud of?
Why should we hire you here at XYZ airlines?
Why shouldn’t we hire you?
Why did you choose XYZ?
Have you applied to any other companies?
What, in your opinion, makes a professional pilot?
What is one quality/personality trait, given the chance, you would change about yourself?
How would you describe yourself in one word?
Tell me about the toughest crew you had to deal with?
Tell me about a time you went outside company policy?
When was the last time you had an FAA inspector on board and how did it go?
Tell me about a time you had to deal with a stressful flight?
Tell me a time when you witnessed a crewmember do something unsafe?
Tell us about a time you had to use your leadership skills to resolve a problem?
Have you ever failed a check ride, and if so tell me about it?
Technical Questions:
Jepp Charts are used industry wide and it is strongly encouraged to study the charts in grave detail prior to
an interview.
Know how to Brief an Approach or finger fly an approach
Be able to answer what any symbol is on a low altitude chart, approach plate, SID/STAR
What airplane are you most familiar with?
What is the max Takeoff weight, Landing weight, and Ramp weight?
What is the fuel capacity?
Can you explain to me how the landing gear system works? (if applicable)
Can you describe the pressurization system? (if applicable)


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