Arizona Form 120s - Arizona S Corporation Income Tax Return - 2004 Page 2

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AZ Form 120S (2004) Page 2
Schedule A - Other Information
A1 Date business began in Arizona or date income was fi rst derived from Arizona sources
A2 Address at which tax records are located for audit purposes:
A3 The taxpayer designates the individual listed below as the person to contact to schedule an audit of this return and authorizes
the disclosure of confi dential information to this individual. (See instructions page 8)
Name and title ____________________________________________________________ Phone # _____________________________________
A4 List prior taxable years for which a federal examination has been fi nalized __________________________________________________________
NOTE: ARS § 43-327 requires the taxpayer, within ninety days after fi nal determination, to report these changes under separate
cover to the Arizona Department of Revenue or to fi le amended returns reporting these changes. (See instructions page 1)
A5 Amount of net income subject to Arizona corporate income tax for prior taxable year (2003 Form 120S, line 11) _____________________________
A6 Indicate tax accounting method:
(Specify method) ________________________________________
Schedule B - Apportionment Formula (Multistate S Corporations Only)
See instruction pages 8, 9 and 10
NOTE: Qualifying air carriers must use Schedule ACA
B1 Property Factor
Column A
Column B
Column C
Value of real and tangible personal property (by averaging the value of
Total Within
Ratio Within
owned property used at the beginning and end of the tax period; rented
property at capitalized value)
A ÷ B
Without Arizona
a. Owned property (at original cost):
Inventories ............................................................................................
Depreciable assets ...............................................................................
Other assets - (describe) ___________________________________
Minus: Construction in progress (if included in above totals) ...............
Minus: Nonbusiness property (if included in above totals) ...................
Total of section a...................................................................................
b. Rented property (capitalize at 8 times net rental paid) .........................
c. Total owned and rented property (section a total plus section b)..........
B2 Payroll Factor
Total wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation to employees
(per federal Form 1120S or payroll reports) .................................................
B3 Sales Factor
a. Sales delivered or shipped to Arizona purchasers................................
b. Other gross receipts .............................................................................
c. Total sales and other gross receipts .....................................................
d. Double weight Arizona sales and gross receipts ..................................
X 2
e. Sales factor (for column A - multiply item c by item d; for column B -
enter amount from item c).....................................................................
B4 Total ratio - add B1(c), B2 and B3(e) in column C..........................................................................................................................
B5 Average apportionment ratio - divide B4 by four (4). Enter the result in column C and on page 1, line 7....................................
Schedule C - Shareholder Information
Prepare a schedule that lists each shareholder’s name, address, TIN, and pro rata share of income or loss.
Label the listing as “Schedule C - Shareholder Information” and attach the schedule immediately after page 2 of the Form 120S.
Certifi cation
The following certifi cation must be signed by one or more of the following offi cers (president, treasurer, or any other principal offi cer).
Under penalties of perjury, I (we), the undersigned offi cer(s) authorized to sign this return, declare that I (we) have examined this return, including the
accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief, it is a true, correct and complete return, made in good faith, for
the taxable year stated pursuant to the income tax laws of the State of Arizona.
Offi cer’s signature
Offi cer’s signature
Preparer’s signature
Use Only
Firm’s name (or preparer’s, if self-employed)
Preparer’s TIN
Firm’s address
Zip code
ADOR 91-0025 (04)


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