Partner'S Instructions For Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B) - Partner'S Share Of Income (Loss) From An Electing Large Partnership (For Partner'S Use Only) - 2008 Page 9


Code K5. Interest expense allocated
Code M3. Unrelated business taxable
this amount by depletion claimed on oil
and apportioned at the partner level.
income. The partnership must give you
and gas properties. If this amount is a
Include this amount on line 4b of the
any information you need to figure
loss, enter only the deductible amount on
applicable Forms 1116.
unrelated business taxable income under
Schedule SE. For purposes of
section 512(a)(1) (but excluding any
self-employment tax, no income from an
Code K6. Other expenses allocated
ELP is treated as farming or fishing
modifications required by paragraphs (8)
and apportioned at the partner level.
through (15) of section 512(b)) for a
Include this amount on line 2 of the
partner that is a tax-exempt organization.
applicable Forms 1116.
Code J2. Gross nonfarm income.
Individual partners use this amount to
Note. For Codes K5 and K6, do not
Reminder. A partner is required to notify
figure net earnings from self-employment
include any expenses allocated and
the partnership of its tax-exempt status.
under the nonfarm optional method on
apportioned to U.S. source income on
Code M4. Health insurance. Include
Schedule SE (Form 1040), Section B,
any line of Part I of Form 1116.
any amounts paid during the tax year for
Part II.
Codes K7(a) Through Codes K7(c).
insurance that constitutes medical care
Codes K1 Through K9. Foreign Tax
Deductions allocated and apportioned
for you, your spouse, and your
Credit Information
at partnership level to foreign source
dependents on line 29 of your 2008 Form
income. The following codes report the
Use the information reported under
1040. You may be allowed to deduct such
expenses allocated and apportioned by
Codes K1 through K9 to figure your
amounts, even if you do not itemize
the partnership to foreign source
foreign tax credit. For more information,
deductions. If you do itemize deductions,
categories of income. Include these
see Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit
enter on line 1 of Schedule A (Form 1040)
amounts on line 2 of the applicable Forms
(Individual, Estate, or Trust) and its
any amounts not deducted on line 29 of
1116 (that is, the Forms 1116 for each
instructions; Form 1118, Foreign Tax
Form 1040.
category of income provided to you).
Credit — Corporations, and its
Code M5. Distributions of money (cash
Code K7(a). Deductions allocated
instructions; and Pub. 514, Foreign Tax
and marketable securities). This
and apportioned at partnership level to
Credit for Individuals. See page 4 of the
amount includes the distributions the
passive category foreign source
Instructions for Form 1116 for detailed
partnership made to you of cash and
instructions for reporting foreign tax
certain marketable securities. The
Code K7(b). Deductions allocated
information from partnerships.
marketable securities are included at their
and apportioned at partnership level to
Note. The line references in this section
fair market value (FMV) on the date of
general category foreign source
of the Form 1116 instructions do not
distribution (minus your share of the
apply to the Schedule K-1 of Form
partnership’s gain on the securities
Code K7(c). Deductions allocated
distributed to you). If this amount exceeds
and apportioned at partnership level to
Code K1. Name of foreign country or
the adjusted basis of your partnership
other foreign source income.
U.S. possession. Include on Form
interest immediately before the
Code K8(a). Total foreign taxes paid.
1116, Part I, item g. For each country
distribution, the excess is treated as gain
Include this amount in Part II of Form
reported, the partnership must give you
from the sale or exchange of your
the amount and a description of your
partnership interest. Generally, this gain
Code K8(b). Total foreign taxes
share of the following items for Codes K2
is treated as gain from the sale of a
accrued. Include this amount in Part II of
through K9. For each country or
capital asset and should be reported on
Form 1116.
possession being reported, a separate
the Schedule D for your return. However,
Code K9. Reduction in taxes available
column in Part I and a separate line in
the gain may be ordinary income. For
for credit. Enter this amount on line 12
Part II is needed on Form 1116.
details, see Pub. 541.
of Form 1116.
Code K2. Gross income from all
The partnership must separately
sources. Enter this amount on line 3e of
Code L. Oil and Gas Activities
identify both of the following.
Form 1116.
The FMV of the marketable securities
Generally, oil and gas income,
Code K3. Gross income sourced at
when distributed (minus your share of the
deductions, credits, and other items are
partner level. Although all this income
gain on the securities distributed to you).
included in your distributive share of
reported has been apportioned to foreign
The partnership’s adjusted basis of
income or loss from passive loss
source categories of income, you must
those securities immediately before the
limitation activities, general credits, and
nevertheless determine whether the
the alternative minimum tax adjustment.
income being reported is U.S. source
However, distributive shares of all oil
Decrease the adjusted basis of your
income or foreign source income. See the
and gas income, deductions, credits, and
interest in the partnership (but not below
Instructions for Form 1116 for the rules to
other items are separately reported to
zero) by the amount of cash distributed to
source the income reported to you. Enter
partners who are disqualified persons in
you and the partnership’s adjusted basis
only foreign source income on lines 1a
accordance with the regular partnership
of the distributed securities. Advances or
and 3d of Form 1116. A separate Form
rules, here or on an attached schedule.
drawings of money or property against
1116 or 1118 is required for each foreign
your distributive share are treated as
Note. A partner must notify the ELP of
source category of income. Do not
current distributions made on the last day
its status as a “disqualified person”.
include income that you determined to be
of the partnership’s tax year.
U.S. source income.
Codes M1 Through M9.
Codes K4(a) Through K4(c). Foreign
Your basis in the distributed
gross income sourced at partnership
marketable securities (other than in
Code M1. Other tax-exempt income.
level. The following types of income
liquidation of your interest) is the smaller
Increase the adjusted basis of your
have already been sourced for you by the
interest in the partnership by this amount,
partnership. Include these amounts on
The partnership’s adjusted basis in the
but do not include it in income on your
lines 1a and 3d of the applicable Form
securities immediately before the
income tax return.
1116 (that is, the Form 1116 for each
distribution increased by any gain
category of income provided to you).
Code M2. Nondeductible expenses.
recognized on the distribution of the
Code K4(a). Passive category
Decrease the adjusted basis of your
securities or
foreign source income.
interest in the partnership by this amount.
The adjusted basis of your partnership
Code K4(b). General category
The nondeductible expenses paid or
interest reduced by any cash distributed
foreign source income.
incurred by the partnership are not
in the same transaction and increased by
Code K4(c). Other foreign source
deductible on your income tax return, but
any gain recognized on the distribution of
they do affect your basis.
the securities.


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