Partner'S Instructions For Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B) - Partner'S Share Of Income (Loss) From An Electing Large Partnership (For Partner'S Use Only) - 2008 Page 11


another partner that reduces your share
distributive share of foreign trading gross
Code S2. Qualified Production
of the replacement QSB stock held by a
receipts from this partnership to
Activities Income (QPAI)
partnership. The amount of gain that you
determine if you met the $5 million or less
Report the QPAI reported to you by the
must recognize is based on the amount of
exception discussed above for purposes
partnership (in box 9 using code S2) on
gain that you would recognize upon the
of qualifying for an extraterritorial income
line 7 of Form 8903.
sale of the distributed replacement QSB
exclusion from other sources.
stock for its fair market value on the date
Code S3. Employer’s W-2 Wages
Note. Upon request, the partnership
of the distribution, but not to exceed the
Report the portion of W-2 wages reported
should furnish you a copy of the
amount you previously deferred under
to you by the partnership (in box 9 using
partnership’s Form 8873 if there is a
section 1045 with respect to the
code S3) on line 15 of Form 8903.
reduction for international boycott
distributed replacement QSB stock. If the
operations, illegal bribes, kickbacks, etc.
Code T. Section 409A Income
partnership distributed your share of
replacement QSB stock to another
This is compensation to partners deferred
Code P. Inversion Gain
partner, the partnership should give you
under a section 409A nonqualified
The partnership must provide a statement
(a) the name of the corporation that
deferred compensation plan that does not
issued the replacement QSB stock, (b)
showing the amounts of each type of
meet the requirements of section 409A.
income or gain that is included in
the date the replacement QSB stock was
This amount is also reported in box 9
distributed to another partner or partners,
inversion gain. The partnership has
using Code F. This amount is subject to
and (c) your share of the partnership’s
included inversion gain in income
interest and additional tax to be reported
adjusted basis and fair market value of
elsewhere on Schedule K-1. Inversion
on line 61 of Form 1040. See the
the replacement QSB stock on such date.
gain is also reported under Code P
instructions for line 61 of Form 1040 for
because your taxable income and
For more information, see Regulations
alternative minimum taxable income
section 1.1045-1.
Code U. Other Information
cannot be less than the inversion gain.
Code N. Unrecaptured Section
Also, your inversion gain (a) is not taken
The partnership will use Code U to report
1250 Gain
into account in figuring the amount of net
the following to partners.
operating loss (NOL) for the tax year or
Report this gain on line 11 of the
The recapture of any credit (other than
Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain
the amount of NOL that can be carried
the low-income housing credit or
Worksheet on page D-9 of the
over to each tax year, (b) may limit the
investment credit) is reported to you as a
Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040).
amount of your credits, and (c) is treated
separately stated item. See the
Do not report the gain on line 5 as stated
as income from sources within the U.S.
instructions for the specific form identified
on the worksheet.
for the foreign tax credit. See section
with the credit for more information on
7874 for details.
reporting the recapture.
Codes O1 and O2. Extraterritorial
Any information a partner that is a
Income Exclusion
Code Q. Commercial Revitalization
publicly traded partnership may need to
determine if it meets the 90% qualifying
Partnership did not claim the
income test of section 7704(c)(2).
exclusion. If the partnership reports
Follow the Instructions for Form 8582 for
Partners are required to notify the
your distributive share of foreign trading
commercial revitalization deductions from
partnership of their status as a publicly
gross receipts (Code O1) and the
rental real estate activities to figure how
traded partnership.
extraterritorial income exclusion (Code
much of the deduction can be reported on
The partnership will report any
O2), the partnership was not entitled to
Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column
information you need to complete a
claim the exclusion because it did not
disclosure statement for reportable
meet the foreign economic process
transactions in which the partnership
requirements. You may still qualify for
Codes R1 and R2. Interest
participates. If the partnership participates
your distributive share of this exclusion if
Deduction Limitation for Corporate
in a transaction that must be disclosed on
the partnership’s foreign trading gross
Form 8886, Reportable Transaction
receipts for the tax year were $5 million or
A corporate partner is required to treat its
Disclosure Statement, both you and the
distributive share of interest income,
partnership may be required to file Form
To qualify for this exclusion, your
interest expense, and partnership
8886 for the transaction. The
foreign trading gross receipts from all
liabilities as income, expense, and
determination of whether you are required
sources for the tax year also must have
liabilities of the corporation for purposes
to disclose a transaction of the
been $5 million or less.
of the interest deduction limitation under
partnership is based on the category(s)
Limited partners who qualify for the
section 163(j). The corporation’s
under which the transaction qualifies for
exclusion. Report the extraterritorial
distributive share of interest income is
disclosure and is determined by the
exclusion amount (Code O2) as a
reported in box 9 using code R1. Its
partnership. See the Instructions for Form
deduction reducing the amount reported
distributive share of interest expense is
8886 for details.
in box 1 (see the box 1 instructions on
reported using code R2. The amounts
Conservation reserve program
page 6).
reported using code R1 and R2 are for
payments. Individuals who received social
information only, and are included in
General partners who qualify for the
security retirement or disability benefits,
amounts reported elsewhere on Schedule
exclusion. Report the Code O2 amount
and are partners in a farm partnership
K-1. The corporation’s distributive share
in accordance with the instructions for box
that receives conservation reserve
of partnership liabilities is shown in the
9, Code A1, B1, or C1, whichever applies.
program payments, do not pay
first column of Schedule K-1.
See Form 8873, Extraterritorial Income
self-employment tax on their share of the
Exclusion, for more information.
conservation reserve payments. The
Code S1. Domestic Production
Partnership claimed the exclusion. If
partnership will report your share of the
Activities Information
the partnership reports your distributive
conservation reserve program payments
The partnership must attach a statement
share of foreign trading gross receipts
in box 9 using code U. See Schedule SE
to Schedule K-1 that provides the
(Code O1) but not the amount of the
(Form 1040) for information on excluding
information you need to figure the
extraterritorial income exclusion, the
the payments from your calculation of
domestic production activities deduction.
partnership met the foreign economic
self-employment tax.
process requirements and claimed the
Use Form 8903, Domestic Production
Gain or loss attributable to the sale or
Activities Deduction, to figure this
exclusion when figuring your distributive
exchange of qualified preferred stock of
deduction. See the Instructions for Form
share of partnership income. You also
the Federal National Mortgage
8903 for details.
may need to know the amount of your
Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal


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