Carolina Road Driving School Sample Test Questions Sheet With Answers Page 9


69. If your vehicle has run off the road onto the shoulder, you should
A) shift quickly to a lower gear
6) brake with heavy constant pressure
C) apply the emergency brake
D) take your foot off the gas pedal gradually
70. Skids are likely to occur on which of the following roads?
1. One on which snow has become packed.
One that has just been paved.
A) 1 only
C) both 1 and 2
6) 2 only
D) neither 1 nor 2
71. If you have to come to a stop on an icy road, you should
A) use your hand break
6) put the brake on hard
C) apply the brake in short hard jabs
D) pump the brake pedal lightly
What should you do when you begin to skid?
1. Turn the steering wheel in the direction in which the rear end of the car is
Reduce pressure on the gas pedal.
A) 1 only
C) both 1 and 2
6) 2 only
D) neither 1 nor 2
73. A driver who is involved in an accident should do which of the following?
Make an immediate report to the nearest law enforcement agency.
Notify his insurance company.
A) 1 only
C) both 1 and 2
6) 2 only
D) neither 1 nor 2
74. A flashing red traffic signal at an intersection means which of the following?
Slow down and proceed with caution.
Stop only if it is necessary to yield the
A) 1 only
C) both 1 and 2
6) 2 only
D) neither 1 nor 2
75. A flashing yellow traffic signal at an intersection means
A) no right turn
8) yield the right-of-way
C) no left turn
D) slow down and proceed with caution
76. A diamond-shaped sign would be used to warn drivers of which of the following driving
A railroad crossing.
A deer crossing.
A) 1 only
6) 2 only
C) both 1 and 2
D) neither 1 nor 2
77. A diamond-shaped traffic sign means
A) no left turn
8) come to a full stop
C) yield the right-of-way
D) slow down and drive with care


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