Carolina Road Driving School Sample Test Questions Sheet With Answers Page 11


86. The system that carries harmful fumes from the engine to the rear of the car and releases
them is called the
A) ignition system
B) fuel system
C) suspension system
D) exhaust system
87. A leaky exhaust system should be repaired because it
A) wastes gas and oil
B) causes the engine to run hot
C) may allow dangerous fumes to enter the car
D) makes the engine hard to start and likely to stall
88. A car that pitches and tosses in normal driving and leans heavily to the side on turns is
likely to have trouble in which of the following systems?
A) ignition
B) steering
C) brake
D) suspension
Which traffic is required to stop if a school bus makes a passenger stop in the far right
lane on a five lane street?
A) All lanes of traffic.
B) Lanes going in the same direction as the school bus.
C) Lanes going the opposite direction of bus.
D) Turning lane only
90. Maximum speed limit for a full sized public school bus in North Carolina is:
A) 55 MPH
C) 35 MPH
B) 45 MPH
D) 25 MPH


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