Jonah And The Whale Coloring Sheet Page 8


Bible Lesson:
Jonah was a prophet. One day, God told Jonah, “Go to Nineveh. The people have been doing very bad
things. Tell them to stop.”
Jonah was afraid! The people in Nineveh did not love God, and they were very mean! So Jonah ran the other
way. He got on a boat to go far away.
God sent a storm, and the sailors on the boat were scared! They cried and asked their false gods for help. The
sailors cast lots, like flipping coins or tossing dice, to figure out who to blame for all this trouble. The lot fell on
Jonah. The sailors asked Jonah, “Who are you? What are you doing here? Where did you come from?”
Jonah said, “I am one of God’s people. I worship the one true God who made everything.”
The sailors shouted, “Tell us what to do!”
Jonah said, “Throw me into the sea!” So the sailors picked up Jonah and threw him over the side of the
God sent a big fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights.
Jonah prayed to God. He thanked God for sending the fish to save him. Then the fish vomited Jonah onto dry
God said, “Jonah, go to Nineveh. Tell the people My message.” This time, Jonah went to Nineveh. He
walked around the city and shouted, “In 40 days, God will destroy Nineveh!”
The people in Nineveh stopped doing bad things. They showed God that they were sorry, so God decided not
to destroy Nineveh.
“I knew You would do this!” Jonah said to God. “You are a gracious God. You do not give people what they
deserve. You are slow to get angry, and You love people. I am so mad!”
“Is it right for you to be mad?” God asked Jonah. Jonah left Nineveh and made a shelter outside the city. God
taught Jonah a lesson.
God made a plant to shade Jonah from the sun. Jonah was happy. Then God sent a worm. The worm ate the plant,
and the plant died. Then God sent wind. Jonah was so hot, he almost fainted. He was not happy.
God asked, “Are you mad that the plant died?”
“Yes,” said Jonah.
God said, “You cared about the plant, but you did not take care of it or make it grow. The city of Nineveh has
many people. They need help. I made them, and I care about them. Aren’t people more important than a plant?”
Christ Connection: God told Jonah to go to his enemies and tell them to stop sinning. Jonah did not want to go.
Later, God sent His own Son, Jesus, to tell His enemies to stop sinning. Unlike Jonah, Jesus wanted to obey God.
He died on the cross to save us from sin.


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