Jonah And The Whale Coloring Sheet Page 7


Review Questions:
Now it’s time to see what you remember from the Bible Story…
1. What did Jonah do instead of going to Nineveh? (got on a boat to go far away)
2. What happened when Jonah was on the boat? (God sent a storm.)
3. What happened to Jonah after the sailors threw him overboard? (God sent a big fish to swallow him.)
4. Did God destroy Nineveh? (No, God showed mercy to the Ninevites.)
5. How did Jonah feel about God deciding not to destroy Nineveh? (mad)
Show Memory Verse:
2 Peter 3:9B “God wants everyone to change his heart and life!”
Show Main Point
Lets review our Main Point one more time…
Repeat after me… God made and loves all people!
Dismiss kids to class: (_:10)
Play Dismiss Song
Start with 3yr olds…once they are out the door…
Send 4yr olds…once they are out the door…
Send 5yr/K…


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