Jonah And The Whale Coloring Sheet Page 6


The Gospel Project: 14.2 Pre-K MC Guide
Jonah, Prophet to Nineveh
Bible Passage: Jonah 1–4
Main Point: God made and loves all people.
Memory Verse: 2 Peter 3:9B “God wants everyone to change his heart and life.”
Worship: (_:50)
Play Video Countdown as kids arrive (3min):
Go over Classroom Rules.
Play Worship Video Background
Have the kids all stand up and do the motions.
Ask the teachers to help manage the kids but to stand to the outside walls so the kids can see.
Pray a simple welcome prayer:
Play Song 1: Your choice
Play Song 2: Your choice
Play Song 3: Your choice
Have all the kids find a place on the carpet and have a seat.
Lesson: (_:00)
Play Lesson Video Background
What most people remember about Jonah is that he was swallowed by a big fish, but that isn’t the most
important part of the story. What I want us to remember today is that God does not give people what they
deserve. God shows mercy.
Timeline View:
Show the Timeline Pic
Today’s Bible story comes from the book of the Bible, Jonah.
Main Point:
That brings me to today’s MAIN Point.
Show the Main Point
Everyone say that with me…
Very interesting! Let’s take a look at how he does this.
Bible Story:
Play the Bible Story Video
God showed mercy to the Ninevites. The people of Nineveh did not deserve God’s mercy, but God created the
Ninevites, and He cared about them. God decided not to destroy them when they showed they were sorry for
their sin.
Show the Main Point
Repeat after me…
God made and loves all people!


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