Jonah And The Whale Coloring Sheet Page 2


4pm: 3yr - 5/K Teacher Guide
4:50 – 5:10
“Kid’s Live” in Room #12
Count heads before and after Kid’s Live.
3yr olds: use the ring ropes to walk to and from Kid’s Live
Encourage orderly conduct.
Engage in the worship and lesson with the children.
Encourage them to sit beside you, rather than in laps.
5:10 – 5:20
Return to Class / Activity / Memory Verse / Review
ACTIVITY: Simon Says
Choose one child to be it first and play a round of Simon says. Then choose another child and play another
God reminded Jonah that He made the people in the city of Nineveh. Even though the Ninevites were
Jonah’s enemies, God cared about them. God showed mercy to the Ninevites. God made all people. All people
are valuable to God, no matter how they look or what they do. God made and loves all people!
Memory Verse: 2 Peter 3:9B *Use the Memory Verse Sheet located in the Teacher Aid section of the
bin. (Read aloud several times)
What did Jonah do instead of going to Nineveh? (got on a boat to go far away)
What happened when Jonah was on the boat? (God sent a storm.)
What happened to Jonah after the sailors threw him overboard? (God sent a big fish to swallow him.)
Did God destroy Nineveh? (No, God showed mercy to the Ninevites.)
How did Jonah feel about God deciding not to destroy Nineveh? (mad)
God made and loves all people!
Parent Arrival
Gospel Project: Unit 14.2


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