Confidential Volunteer Application Form Sample Page 2


Church History
Church (Membership) Name ______________________________________________________________
Church Address _______________________________________ Church Phone (____) _______________
City/State/Zip __________________________________________________________________________
Type of work involving children _______________________________ Dates of Service _______________
Church Name ____________________________________________ Dates of Service _______________
Church Address _______________________________________ Church Phone (____) _______________
City/State/Zip __________________________________________________________________________
Type of work involving children ____________________________________________________________
Church Name ____________________________________________ Dates of Service _______________
Church Address _______________________________________ Church Phone (____) _______________
City/State/Zip __________________________________________________________________________
Type of work involving children ____________________________________________________________
Personal References (not former employers or relatives)
List all previous non-church work involving children. Attach additional sheet if necessary.
Applicant Statement (Please read and initial each statement.)
_____ The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
_____ I authorize references or churches listed in this application to provide information (including opinions)
they may have regarding my character and fitness for working with children.
_____ I release all such references from any liability for furnishing such evaluations, provided they do so in
good faith and without malice.
_____ I waive any right I may have to inspect references provided on my behalf.
_____ Should my application be accepted, I agree to be bound by the bylaws and policies of this church and
to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of the church.
_____ I further state that I have carefully read the forgoing release and know the content there of and I sign
this release as my own free act. This is a legally binding agreement which I have read and understand.
Applicant’s Signature ____________________________________________ Date _____________________
Witness ______________________________________________________ Date _____________________


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