Confidential Volunteer Application Form Sample


This form is solely for illustrative purposes. State and local laws may vary. It is recommended that each
church solicit the advice of an independent and qualified attorney. Neither LifeWay Christian Resources
nor the Southern Baptist Convention assumes any liability for reliance on this form.
Confidential Volunteer Application Form
This application is to be completed by all applicants for any position involving the supervision or
custody of minors. It will help our church family provide a safe and secure environment for children.
Last Name ___________________________ First Name ________________________ Middle Initial ______
Present Address ________________________________________ Social Security # ___________________
City __________________________________ State ______ Zip ___________ Date ___________________
Email ___________________________________________________ Marital Status ___________________
Home Phone ( ______ ) _______________________ Work Phone ( ______ ) ________________________
Occupation _____________________________________________________________________________
Do you have a current driver’s license?
Yes: License number ____________________ State _____
Have you ever been charged with, indicted for, or pled guilty to an offense involving a minor?
If yes, please describe all convictions for the past five years. _______________________________________
Were you a victim of abuse or molestation while a minor?
If you prefer, you may refuse to answer this question.
You may discuss your answer in confidence with one of the ministers rather than answering on this form.
Answering yes or leaving the question unanswered will not automatically disqualify you.
_________________ When did you make your profession of faith in Christ?
_________________ When were you baptized? List any gifts, callings, training, education, or other factors
that have prepared you for teaching. _________________________________________________________
Are you a member of this church?
Yes—If yes, how long have you been a member? ____________
1. If no, list your church membership contact information in the first church selection on the back of this form.
2. Please list other churches you have attended regularly during the past five years.
3. Include the type of work involving children that you performed.


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