Tutor Tracking Sheet
Tutor Name: _________________________________
Payroll Policy:
In order to be paid, the following is required:
1. This form MUST be completed in its entirety (including tutee signatures) and submitted with every time sheet.
2. All tutees MUST have been assigned by Tutoring Services through the Academic Skills Office.
3. Time sheets MUST be turned in bi-weekly on Fridays. Submit them for approval on the Friday, before they are due, so we have
enough time to check tracking sheets and process. DO NOT stockpile your time sheets. Time sheets submitted late, will not be paid
until the following pay period.
4. If you have questions, please contact 612-330-1445 or
or Annette Carpenter.
Please use one line for each tutoring session and complete all sections. Additional space is provided on the back. If a student “no shows” to a
scheduled appointment please wait 15 minutes, record that time, and write no show in the tutee signature section. Also, Please indicate any
prep time for sessions by marking “Prep” in the “Tutee Name” column.
Date of
Tutee Name
Subject Tutored
Location of Tutoring
Tutee’s Signature
(Please Print)