Instructions For Form 8942 - Application For Certification Of Qualified Investments Eligible For Credits And Grants Under The Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project Program Page 4


Note. For this purpose, both actual
1504(a)) connected through stock
A controlled group of corporations
ownership with a common parent
(defined in section 52(a)). For the
employees of the applicant and leased
corporation. The common parent must be
definition of a controlled group of
employees may be included.
an includible corporation and the following
corporations, see Eligible Taxpayer,
Lines 26 and 27
requirements must be met.
A group of trades or businesses under
1. The common parent must own
The applicant can attach a statement, not
common control (defined in section
directly stock that represents at least 80%
to exceed 250 words, supporting line 26
of the total voting power and at least 80%
and a statement, not to exceed 250
An affiliated service group (defined in
of the total value of the stock of at least
words, supporting line 27.
section 414(m)).
one of the other includible corporations.
Attach a statement listing the name,
Part III. Qualified
2. Stock that represents at least 80%
address, and EIN of each of the other
of the total voting power and at least 80%
of the total value of the stock of each of
the other corporations (except for the
Enter on lines 28 through 33 the amount
For purposes of this section, the term
common parent) must be owned directly
of qualified investment in each listed
employee includes both full-time and
by one or more of the other includible
category. Qualified investments may
part-time employees but does not include
include expenses for wages, supplies and
leased employees.
lab costs, depreciable property, contractor
Line 17
For this purpose, the term “stock”
costs, and any other costs that would be
generally does not include any stock that
considered part of the qualified
Complete line 17 to elect to apply for a
(a) is nonvoting, (b) is nonconvertible,
investment for the project. Applicants for
QTDP grant for tax year 2009, 2010, or
(c) is limited and preferred as to dividends
QTDP grants for tax year 2009 whose
both. If the applicant elects to apply for a
and does not participate significantly in
2009 tax year ends after the date the
QTDP grant, complete lines 18 and 19.
corporate growth, and (d) has redemption
application is filed must complete column
Otherwise, skip to line 20.
and liquidation rights that do not exceed
(a) and columns (b) and (c), as
the issue price of the stock (except for a
If the applicant is filing multiple
applicable. All other applicants, complete
reasonable redemption or liquidation
applications, the elections made
only columns (b) and (c), as applicable.
premium). See section 1504(a)(4). See
on all of the applications must be
Qualified investments do not include
section 1563(d)(1) for the definition of
consistent. See Consistency requirement,
amounts paid or incurred to another
stock for purposes of determining stock
person for research services relating to
the project if the research services were
Line 18
not performed on behalf of the applicant.
Lines 9 through 12
Enter the applicant’s unique nine-digit
If the applicant is filing applications for
Enter the name, address, and EIN of the
Data Universal Numbering System
multiple projects, qualified investment
common parent. See the instructions for
(D-U-N-S) number from Dun and
included for any project on any one Form
Lines 3 and 4 for entering address
Bradstreet. If the applicant does not
8942 cannot include amounts included in
already have a D-U-N-S number, it may
qualified investment for any other project
request one at no cost by calling the
on any other Form 8942. Qualified
Line 13
dedicated toll-free D-U-N-S number
investments related to multiple projects,
request line at 1-866-705-5711.
Enter the name and address of the
must be allocated between the projects
Information on obtaining a D-U-N-S
contact person. See the instructions for
using a reasonable method.
number may be obtained at
Lines 3 and 4 for entering address
Column (a). Enter in column (a) of each
line qualified investment that is the sum
The contact person is the person the
Line 19
Qualified investment actually paid or
IRS or HHS may contact if there is an
Entities referred to in section 54(j)(4) are
incurred as of the date the application is
issue with the application. If the contact
the following.
filed; and
person does not have legal authority to
Cooperative electric company. This is a
Qualified investment projected to be
bind the applicant, the applicant must
mutual or cooperative electric company
paid or incurred between the date the
attach to Form 8942 a properly executed
described in section 501(c)(12) or
application is filed and the earlier of the
Form 2848. On Form 2848, line 3, enter
1381(a)(2)(C), or a not-for-profit electric
end of the 2009 tax year or September
“Section 9023 of the Affordable Care Act”
utility that has received a loan or loan
30, 2010.
as the type of tax. Leave the entry spaces
guarantee under the Rural Electrification
for Tax Form Number and for Year(s) or
Column (b). Enter the total amount paid
Period(s) blank. Check the box on line 4.
or incurred (including the amount
Clean renewable energy bond lender.
projected to be paid or incurred) for the
Line 14
This is a lender that is a cooperative
2009 tax year for each cost on line 28
which is owned by, or has outstanding
through line 33.
On line 14a, enter the name of the
loans to, 100 or more cooperative electric
Column (c). Enter the total amount paid
project. If the applicant is filing
companies and is in existence on
or incurred (including the amount
applications for more than one project,
February 1, 2002, and including any
projected to be paid or incurred) for the
select names for the different projects that
affiliated entity which is controlled by such
2010 tax year for each cost on line 28
are readily distinguishable from each
through line 33.
Governmental body. This is any state,
Line 31
On line 14b, enter a brief description of
territory, possession of the United States,
the project. Limit the description to 50
the District of Columbia, Indian tribal
Qualified investment derived from
words or fewer.
government, and any political subdivision
third-party contractors only includes
amounts paid or incurred on behalf of the
Lines 15 and 16
applicant pursuant to an agreement that
Line 21
Enter the number of employees in all
is entered into prior to the performance of
businesses of the applicant on the date
Enter the number of full-time and
the research services relating to the
the application is filed. In determining the
part-time employees in the United States
project and the agreement required that
number of employees, include the
whose work is directly billed to the project
the research services be performed on
employees of all members of the following
and the average salaries of the
behalf of the applicant. If research
that the applicant is a member of.
employees in each category.
services are not performed on behalf of
Instructions for Form 8942 (June 2010)


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