Instructions For Form 8942 - Application For Certification Of Qualified Investments Eligible For Credits And Grants Under The Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project Program Page 2


nonqualified nonrecourse financing
c. To significantly advance the goal of
above, before the partnership or the
related to the property as of the close of
curing cancer within the 30-year period
pass-through entity may apply for a
the tax year in which the property is
beginning on May 21, 2010; and
QTDP grant.
placed in service. Generally, if the
3. The IRS determines that the
The QTDP Program uses the Payment
applicant is a partnership or S
applicant’s project is among those
Management System for payment of
corporation, whether any financing is
projects that have the greatest potential:
grants. Therefore, notwithstanding Notice
non-qualified nonrecourse financing is
a. To create and sustain (directly or
2010-45, section 8.02(4), an applicant
determined at the partner or shareholder
indirectly) high quality, high-paying jobs in
electing to request a QTDP grant need
the United States; and
not register with the Central Contractor
b. To advance United States
If, at the close of a tax year following
Registration. The IRS will send applicants
competitiveness in the fields of life,
the year property was placed in service,
the forms necessary to process grant
biological, and medical sciences.
the nonqualified nonrecourse financing for
any property has increased or decreased,
Consistency requirement. An election
then the credit base for the property
A certification and allocation by the
for a QTDP grant will be effective only if
changes accordingly. The changes may
IRS is not a determination that the costs
an applicant makes the same election on
result in an increased QTDP credit (but
described in the application were or will
all the applicant’s applications for that tax
not greater than 50% of the qualified
be, in fact, paid or incurred or that the
year. If the applicant’s applications are
investment that was certified) or a
costs were or will be necessary for and
inconsistent, then the election for a QTDP
recapture of the QTDP credit or grant in
directly related to the conduct of a
grant will be invalid and the applicant will
the year of the change. See sections 49
qualified therapeutic discovery project
be considered for certification of a credit
and 465 for details.
under section 48D(b).
only. The applicant may file an amended
Eligible Taxpayer
Project Information
Form 8942 requesting a QTDP grant for
the inconsistent project, thus making all
An eligible taxpayer is a taxpayer who
elections for a QTDP grant for the same
employs not more than 250 full-time and
The Project Information Memorandum is
year effective.
part-time employees in all businesses of
an HHS form the applicant must complete
the taxpayer at the time the application is
and file with Form 8942 as part of a
When to File
filed. In figuring the number of full-time
complete application for certification.
and part-time employees, do not include
File Form 8942 on or before July 21,
leased employees. In determining the
HHS will review the Project Information
2010. Applications filed after July 21,
number of employees, include the
Memorandum to determine whether a
2010, will not be considered.
employees of all members of the following
project meets the definition of qualifying
that the applicant is a member of:
therapeutic discovery project and whether
Applications will be deemed submitted
A controlled group of corporations
the applicant has demonstrated that its
on October 1, 2010, for purposes of
(defined in section 52(a));
project shows a reasonable potential to
48D(d)(2)(B) only. For all other purposes,
A group of trades or businesses under
meet one or more of the goals referred to
the application date will be the date the
common control (defined in section
in item (2) under Certification of Qualified
application is filed as determined under
52(b)); and
Investment, above.
section 7502.
An affiliated service group (defined in
The Project Information Memorandum
section 414(m)).
Private Delivery Services
form is available at
A corporation is a member of a controlled
Applicants can use certain private
group of corporations if it is a member of
delivery services designated by the IRS to
either a parent-subsidiary group (defined
Election of a Grant in Lieu of a
meet the “timely mailing as timely filing”
in section 1563(a)) or a brother-sister
rule under section 7502. These private
group (defined in section 1563(a), except
delivery services include only the
that ‘‘more than 50%’’ is substituted for
Generally, an applicant may elect to treat
‘‘at least 80%’’ each place it appears in
the application for certification of qualified
DHL Express (DHL): DHL Same Day
section 1563(a)(1)), even if it is an
investment for a QTDP credit as a
excluded member for purposes of being a
request for a QTDP grant in lieu of a
Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx
component member of a controlled group
QTDP credit. However, the following
Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard
(for example, a foreign corporation
types of entities are not eligible for a
Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx
subject to tax under section 881).
QTDP grant.
International Priority, and FedEx
1. Any Federal, state, or local
Certification of Qualified
International First.
government (or any political subdivision,
United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS Next
agency, or instrumentality thereof).
Day Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver, UPS
The IRS will determine whether to certify
2. Any organization described in
2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air A.M., UPS
an applicant’s qualified investment for a
section 501(c) and exempt from tax under
Worldwide Express Plus, and UPS
qualifying therapeutic discovery project
section 501(a).
Worldwide Express.
under the qualifying therapeutic discovery
3. An entity referred to in section
project program, for which an application
The private delivery service can tell the
54(j)(4), including:
has been filed, only if:
applicant how to get written proof of the
a. A clean renewable energy bond
mailing date.
1. HHS determines that the
applicant’s project is a qualifying
b. A cooperative electric company, or
Where to File
therapeutic discovery project;
c. A governmental body.
2. HHS determines that the
4. Any partnership or other
File Form 8942 by United States mail,
applicant’s project shows reasonable
pass-through entity, any partner or other
private delivery service, or hand delivery
holder of an equity or profits interest of
(between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
a. To result in new therapies:
which is described in (1), (2), or (3),
EST, Monday through Friday) to:
i. To treat areas of unmet medical
Internal Revenue Service
need, or
ii. To prevent, detect, or treat chronic
A partnership or other pass-through
201 W. Rivercenter Blvd.
or acute diseases and conditions;
entity must determine if any of its partners
Stop 5701G
b. To reduce long-term health care
or other holders of any equity or profits
costs in the United States; or
interest is described in (1), (2), or (3),
Covington, KY 41011.
Instructions for Form 8942 (June 2010)


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