Form 1363 - Export Exemption Certificate

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Export Exemption Certificates
OMB No. 1545-0685
Check the appropriate box.
(Rev. December 2009)
Tax on Amount Paid for Transportation of Property by Air
Individual Exemption
Department of the Treasury
(Section 4271 of the Internal Revenue Code)
Blanket Exemption
Internal Revenue Service
Name (shipper or other on whom the tax is imposed)
Taxpayer identification number
Address (number and street)
For blanket approval, date of letter granting permission:
City, state, and ZIP code
Property shipped
Name and address of carrier
Transportation charges
Date shipped
Point of origin
Port of exportation
from point of orgin
of shipment
Date paid
Amount paid
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the shipment described above is made under a contract, order, or other written evidence of intention to export that was
dated earlier than delivery of the shipment to the carrier, and is to be exported to a foreign destination or shipped to a United States possession, and that I will pay
the carrier any tax due in case the property is not so exported or shipped. (See Suspension of Tax Liability on page 2.)
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.
Cat. No. 49953S
(Rev. 12-2009)


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