Paranoia Character Sheet Page 9


Sex Move
Playing the Ganymede
“Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.”
You were innocent, once.
Ask your partner to promise to protect
Note: When The Ganymede is in
Then everything changed,
you. If they agree, gain a string on them.
play, make sure to ask the GM for a
and you’re not sure how
If they refuse, gain condition pathetic
conversation about lines and veils/an X
to cope with the way
and gain two strings on them.
card. This character could easily go down
things are now.
the route of sexual assault, which is
triggering for many people.
Darkest Self
Something happened to you and changed
your world forever. This could be
anything from your house mysteriously
You just want things to be like they were
burning down with everyone inside to
before. Make wild promises to everyone
being brought back from the dead. This
you come across if they’ll help you make
character deals with adapting to a world
things right. You leave your Darkest Self
that doesn’t feel like you belong to it.
when someone persuades you it’s not
that bad.
You can play this as a complete innocent
who doesn’t fully understand how to
use their looks - in which case, Fall At
Your Feet is a good move for physical
confrontations, and Who, Me? will help
The Ganymede
with verbal arguments.
Cinnamon Roll can be used if you want
to be a more manipulative Ganymede:
aware of being strange but beautiful, and
using that to your advantage.
Wait WTF should be used in any situation
that you wouldn’t understand properly,
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
depending on your backstory. I’m Not
Abel, Annabelle, Elsie, John, Kristian,
delicate, ethereal, small, beautiful,
Like You can help you out with difficult
Mary, Lily, Zaccheus
situations where you’re forced to act.
an innocent name, a simple name, a
innocent eyes, dark eyes, sad eyes, lost
name that has overcome adversity
eyes, scared eyes
Circle one:
alien abduction, a new dimension,
a traumatic event, a science
experiment, resurrected


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