Paranoia Character Sheet Page 5


Sex Move
Playing the Medea
“Let no one think that
I am mean or weak,
nor peaceful, but of
Demand that your partner helps you take
You are not liked. You’re not from
the other sort,
down the person who betrayed you.
around here, and you have strange ways.
a weight upon
If they refuse, gain two strings on them.
Everyone has been on the receiving
my enemies...”
end of your sharp tongue one way or
If your partner IS the person who
the other, but do you care? No. You left
Someone betrayed
betrayed you, roll with Cold to confront
everything behind to come to this place,
you. You’re going
them about their disloyalty.
and now that you can’t return, you
to get your own
discover there’s nothing here for you.
back, no matter
On a 10+, gain two strings on them
And it’s all the fault of one person in
what it takes.
if they refuse to make amends; gain
particular. They’re going to pay.
one string if they do not
On a 7 - 9, cause 1 harm and receive
You can go fully magical with A Spell On
1 harm.
You and Deus Ex Machina, using your
On a miss, trigger your Darkest Self.
dark powers to get your revenge; and
Salt The Earth can be overtly magical
if you like. Alternatively, be more on
the scheming, short-tempered side
Darkest Self
with Sheep’s Clothing and I Used To Be
You begin attempting to destroy
The Medea
Dishonour On Your Cow can be fun in
everything around you, even if it’s people
any situation.
(especially if it’s people). You only stop if
someone sympathises and apologises to
you despite your dangerous rampage, or
if you kill someone.
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Andrea, Frances, Ola, Dante, Georgiana,
vicious, proud, otherworldly, striking,
Lionel, Lilith, Vicente
a stranger’s name, a foreboding name, a
angry eyes, bright eyes, narrowed eyes,
name that suggests anger
calculating eyes, cruel eyes
Circle one:
cheated on, left homeless, unjustly
blamed, a broken promise, abandoned
to harm


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