Paranoia Character Sheet Page 4


Carry Forward
Chosen Moves
m Jimmy’s Stuck Down The Well!
When something bad is happening (or
Choose two:
just about to happen) somewhere you
aren’t, and you want to intervene, roll
m The Die Is Cast
with Dark.
You get this one automatically -
On a 10 +, you know where you need to
Add 1 to one of these:
choose two more.
go, and get there just in time.
On a 7-9, you get there late –- in time to
Hot: 1, Cold: -1, Volatile: -1, Dark: 1
Your ability to Gaze Into The Abyss is
intervene, but not prevent it altogether.
more complex than the other characters.
On a miss, you get there but get into
On a 10+, you get a lucid and detailed
trouble yourself.
vision of the future and carry +1 forward
when you act on this vision.
If there are other characters in your
m Prophesy
vision, give them the condition fated
When you are alone with someone, you
(Turn Someone On,
to X - for example, if your vision has a
can reveal your fate to them. Roll with
Manipulate an NPC)
character dying, give them the condition
fated to die.
On a 10+, they are sympathetic to you.
Other characters can use these
You both carry 1 forward on actions that
conditions for a + 1 to make the vision
involve them helping you.
come true.
On a 7 - 9, they choose one:
On a 7-9, pick one:
they do not believe you, but promise
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
you get a vague and alarming vision
to help you anyway
of the future
they believe you, but are too scared
you get a lucid and detailed vision
to help you themselves
of the future but gain the conditions
they do not believe you, but you gain
disbelieved and drained
a string on them
you get a lucid and detailed vision
of the future but NPCs (and PCs if
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
m O Thou, Destroyer Named
appropriate) get +1 if they stop you
Experience Points:
When you get caught up in violence, roll
acting on your vision.
with Dark.
On a 10 up, name one person who’ll die
m m m m m
m How Could You?
and one who’ll live.
You are an innocent and don’t deserve
On a 7–9, name one person who’ll die OR
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
the bad things that happen to you. When
one person who’ll live.
a PC lashes out at you, they get -1 to
The MC can make your vision come true,
their roll. If they fail their roll, they gain
if it’s possible. Name NPCs only.
Your Backstory
the condition dishonoured. NPCs gain
On a miss, you only get reminded of
this condition automatically.
your own death. Suffer -1 to all rolls
throughout the fight.
One of the people around the table
m The End Is Nigh
believes you. You get one string on them.
If you see your death approaching, you
can make a last-ditch attempt to Run
No one else believes you. They get one
Away. Roll with Dark instead of Volatile.
string on you.


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