Paranoia Character Sheet Page 2


Carry Forward
Chosen Moves
drugs, booze, or a car -- roll with Hot.
On a 10+, the Maenads bring it to you
Choose two:
before the party starts.
On a 7-9, well, they make an effort and
m Maenads
everybody wants to please you and they
You get this one automatically -
get you something “close”.
Add 1 to one of these:
choose two more.
On a miss, the Maenads bring it just fine,
but it’s obviously hot or has some kind of
Hot: 1, Cold: -1, Volatile: -1, Dark: 1
You have a group of followers who hang
strings attached (which you may or may
on your every word. They are almost
not get to be aware of).
incapable of thinking for themselves, so
you do the thinking for them - not that
they notice. If you said the word, they
m I Am A Jealous God
would turn into a vicious mob for you.
If you have designs on someone or
something and another person gets in
The usual rules for gangs apply here.
(Turn Someone On,
the way, gain condition ruthless and +2
Manipulate an NPC)
to Cold rolls regarding that character
m Can’t Hold Their Wine
until they back off.
Name somebody who might have
This move can only apply to one
recently eaten, drunk, or otherwise
character at a time.
ingested something you’ve touched. Roll
with Dark.
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
On a 10+, they fall ill and suffer 2-harm
m Party People, Put Your Hands Up
sometime during the next 24 hours.
When you welcome a PC into your space,
On a 7-9, it’s 1-harm.
they need to roll + Hot to resist your
On a miss, several people of the MC’s
choice, maybe including your target
On 10 and above, they resist successfully.
maybe not, get it, and all suffer 2-harm.
On 7 - 9, you gain a string on them.
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
m Hook Me Up
Experience Points:
m Fuck The Police
When you tell your Maenads that you
When you Lash Out at or Run Away from
want a thing for an upcoming party --
m m m m m
an authority figure, roll with Dark.
this can be anything, including people,
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory
Other Moves
Someone has seen your dark side.
Give them one string on you.
You have seen everyone really let
themselves go at some point, except for
one person. Gain one string on everyone
except that person, who gains a string
on you.


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