Physical Setting - Science Worksheet Page 4


16 Earth’s magnetic field has reversed itself several
22 The photograph below shows rock layers
times during the past. This pattern of magnetic
separated by unconformity XY.
reversal is best preserved in
(1) metamorphic bedrock in mountain ranges
(2) bedrock with fossils containing radioactive
(3) layers of sedimentary bedrock of the Grand
(4) igneous bedrock of the oceanic crust
17 Which two features are commonly found at
divergent plate boundaries?
(1) mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys
(2) wide valleys and deltas
(3) ocean trenches and subduction zones
Which sequence of events most likely produced
(4) hot spots and island arcs
this unconformity?
(1) uplift and erosion of bedrock, followed by
18 New York State bedrock of which age contains
subsidence and more deposition
salt, gypsum, and hematite?
(2) intrusion of magma into preexisting rock,
causing contact metamorphism
(1) Cambrian
(3) Mississippian
(3) eruption of a volcano, spreading lava over
(2) Devonian
(4) Silurian
horizontal sedimentary rock layers
(4) separation of one rock layer, by movement
19 Scientists infer that oxygen in Earth’s atmos-
along a plate boundary
phere did not exist in large quantities until after
(1) the first multicellular, soft-bodied marine
23 The igneous rock gabbro most likely formed
organisms appeared on Earth
from molten material that cooled
(2) the initial opening of the Atlantic Ocean
(1) rapidly at Earth’s surface
(3) the first sexually reproducing organisms
(2) slowly at Earth’s surface
appeared on Earth
(3) rapidly, deep underground
(4) photosynthetic cyanobacteria evolved in
(4) slowly, deep underground
Earth’s oceans
24 Which statement best supports the inference
20 Which organisms were alive when New York
that most of Earth’s present-day land surfaces
State was last covered by a continental ice sheet?
have, at one time, been covered by water?
(1) Eurypterus and Cooksonia
(1) Volcanic eruptions contain large amounts of
(2) Aneurophyton and Naples Tree
water vapor.
(3) mastodont and Beluga whale
(2) Coral reefs formed, in the past, along the
(4) Coelophysis and Elliptocephala
edges of many continents.
(3) Seafloor spreading has pulled landmasses
21 One difference between a breccia rock and a
apart and pushed them together.
conglomerate rock is that the particles in a breccia
(4) Sedimentary bedrock of marine origin covers
rock are
large areas of Earth’s continents.
(1) more aligned
(3) harder
(2) more angular
(4) land derived
P.S./E. Sci.–Aug. ’15


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