Physical Setting - Science Worksheet Page 2


Part A
Answer all questions in this part.
Directions (1–35): For each statement or question, choose the word or expression that, of those given, best
completes the statement or answers the question. Some questions may require the use of the 2011 Edition
Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Earth Science. Record your answers on your separate answer sheet.
1 Which characteristics best describe the star
6 A major piece of evidence supporting the Big Bang
theory is the observation that wavelengths of
light from stars in distant galaxies show a
(1) reddish orange with low luminosity and high
surface temperature
(1) redshift, appearing to be shorter
(2) reddish orange with high luminosity and low
(2) redshift, appearing to be longer
surface temperature
(3) blueshift, appearing to be shorter
(3) blue white with low luminosity and low surface
(4) blueshift, appearing to be longer
(4) blue white with high luminosity and high
7 During the month of January, at which location
surface temperature
in New York State is the Sun lowest in the sky at
solar noon?
2 Which motion occurs at a rate of approximately
(1) Massena
(3) Utica
one degree per day?
(2) Niagara Falls
(4) New York City
(1) the Moon revolving around Earth
(2) the Moon rotating on its axis
8 Which process releases 2260 joules of heat
(3) Earth revolving around the Sun
energy per gram of water into the environment?
(4) Earth rotating on its axis
(1) melting
(3) condensation
(2) freezing
(4) evaporation
3 If the tilt of Earth’s axis were increased from
23.5° to 30°, summers in New York State would
9 When snow cover on the land melts, the water
will most likely become surface runoff if the
(1) cooler, and winters would become cooler
land surface is
(2) cooler, and winters would become warmer
(1) frozen
(3) warmer, and winters would become cooler
(2) porous
(4) warmer, and winters would become warmer
(3) grass covered
(4) unconsolidated gravel
4 Which object in space emits light because it
releases energy produced by nuclear fusion?
10 Which area is the most common source region
(1) Earth’s Moon
(3) Venus
for cold, dry air masses that move over New York
(2) Halley’s comet
(4) Polaris
(1) North Atlantic Ocean
5 Since Denver’s longitude is 105° W and Utica’s
(2) Gulf of Mexico
longitude is 75° W, sunrise in Denver occurs
(3) central Canada
(1) 2 hours earlier
(3) 3 hours earlier
(4) central Mexico
(2) 2 hours later
(4) 3 hours later
P.S./E. Sci.–Aug. ’15


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